9 Year Timeskip

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|9 Year Timeskip|

|3rd Person's POV|

Narcissa couldn't believe it, but 9 years had quickly passed since her first meeting with the Rose-Branwen family. She still remembers how she had met the weird family, where Summer Rose, now Rose-Branwen, had mistaken her for a lost girl in an unknown and dangerous land, taking her with her to her house like the good person she is, which her mother had mistaken for her getting kidnapped.

She didn't know back then, where she was oblivious of the tension that filled the atmosphere, but could still somewhat feel the negative emotions due to her Grimm heritage, but now things were different. Once old enough, 10 years old in fact, her mother had debriefed her and her sisters about her past. How she was a cruel witch, so much different from the mother we know, and accepted.

How can one hate a person, as dark as her past may be, when they were doing their best to change. She then, too, found out that Olivia, or her true name, Olive, was her other mother, which didn't end well for Narcissa as she had developed feelings for the obviously older woman. The attraction started off when she was young, obviously, and adding with her curiosity, being surrounded mostly by women, who some are openly showing their affection with other women, and childish innocence added with Olivia acting like a mom while also not making it obvious that she was the girl's mother, had led her to getting attached to said woman and a seed of attraction was planted there.

For a moment, let us forget about the child's attraction to her own blood and move on to a more progressive subject.

Yang and Ruby were practically the Grimm sisters' only childhood friends. They had met other children, tried befriending then, but only these two girks had stayed with them to the end. Not because their parents were allies, but because of the dynamic they had.

Yang and Andromeda were the most mischievous out of the five, with Andromeda always finding trouble, and Yang either diffusing or blowing up said problem. Bellatrix would be the calmest one out of the group, taking everything head on with a calm and composed style. Ruby, for one, would encourage the group with her peppy optimism and fantasies of heroism, while Narcissa would be the one tk connect them all, loving her friends with all her heart.

All of them had stayed together as they grew, having sleepovers, training together, facing their own adversaries with the help of each other, staying together whenever someone was at a low point. They had formed a strong bond. However, that wouldn't stop it from awkward moments from happening.

As Narcissa had her own budding attraction to one of her mothers, the rest had their own, and all of it was centered around said girl. The "twins", were originally blessed by the Brother Gods to guard Narcissa, but they had gone careless and done it so casually, not thinking deeper in what they should have done and had made it so that they would inevitably have their hearts given to their "sister". Then as for Ruby, she was just an innocent little girl that looked up to the "coolest" out of the group and it understandably turned into something more than just adoration after constant pampering and loving actions.

Narcissa was just an intimate girl, and that was how she showed her affection, and that was how she unknowingly had a girl fall for her.

And as for Yang? She immediately had that "love at first sight" moment. Naturally, as I child, it was more of a sudden spike in attraction which should have disappeared, but it never did with how close she had become with the girl.

And that's how the awkward situations happened. With all the girls having a crush on the same girl, things were bound to happen. Nothing too intense, their bond would stop anything dangerous from happening to their relationship.

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