Chapter 9.

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    Niall woke up sometime after Harry had gotten out of bed. The slightly tired but usually carefree Irish boy stretched before remembering that he had shared the bed with Harry the night before. Pulling the covers, he realized that the younger boy was not there. Just when he was about to start freaking out, the smell of eggs frying and a pan sizzling passed his nose. Instinctively, he knew it was Harry, as who else would be up and out of bed at this hour, making breakfast? Out of the five of them, Harry was the best cook, so it was only natural that the others let him make meals. Niall laid back down on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Harry.

    It had been a long time since he felt the odd feeling towards him. Ever since he began dating Ariette, perhaps. When he wasn't thinking about the band and the tour, he had been thinking about her every minute, every hour, every day. Until last night. When Harry had come knocking on the door at an unorthodox hour. Scared that he had lost him. Even though Niall wasn't the baby of the group, everyone treated him like so. Harry was the youngest, at seventeen, but even he treated Niall like the others did, as that baby of the group. So it made sense that that nightmare had him incredibly freaked out…right?

    Niall thought of an interview from awhile back. The interviewer had asked which member of the band had the best features. Niall had instantly said "Harry". And in his mind, it was true. Even though all the boys had different features that made them amazing, Harry had the best. It was no wonder all their fans considered him the "heartthrob" of the group. Sure, the younger boy was perverted sometimes, but with a face like his, he got away with it easily. He was the only one of the five that had nice collarbones, defined dimples and green eyes. Wonderful, lovely green eyes. Just like Ariette's.

    Now that he really thought about it, if he took out the features that reminded him of Demi Lovato, whatever was left over distinctly reminded him of Harry. The green eyes, the age, the cute dimples, the fact they were both fans of Manchester United. In fact, they might as well be twins, siblings at least, or something of the sort. Hm, weird, Niall thought as he got out of bed. He shrugged it off. Maybe it was a coincidence. He pulled on his pajama pants and left his chest bare; it was definitely way too hot to put on a shirt. He walked towards the smell of eggs and bacon. As he was closer he heard a voice that, instantly, he knew belonged to Liam. "You should tell him Harry. Tell Niall."

    Niall frowned out of curiosity and entered the kitchen. "Tell me what?"

    Both Liam and Harry turned their heads at the sound of his voice and Niall couldn't help but notice how green Harry's eyes were today. Even as he looked at Liam with an unidentified, but somewhat scared, expression on his face.

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