Chapter 14.5.

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As soon as Niall caught up to Harry, he wrapped an arm around him, pulled him close to his still shirtless body and kissed him. Harry blushed, wondering if this was a dream. Niall wasn’t drunk, but rather perfectly sober, so what was he doing?

“Ni?” he asked tentatively. Niall shushed him and Harry found himself in another closet for the second time that day. One of Niall’s hands found the light switch and the other was still wrapped around Harry as their eyes met.

“I realized you’re my everything Harry. I want you. I need you. I love you,” he whispered as he kissed him from his lips to his earlobe.

“What about Ariette?” Harry was becoming more confused by the minute. Niall was never the type to be unfaithful. And he didn’t want Niall to cheat on her, even though he had been immoral enough to think it. Niall nibbled his earlobe for a few minutes before answering, his hands already underneath Harry’s shirt, wrapped around his waist. “We broke up last night. She realized I was in love with you more than I ever would be with her and let me go,” he smiled as he moved down to the boy’s neck. Harry blushed. “She knew you loved me…wait, how long have you been in love with me?” he asked curiously, his hands pressed against Niall’s chest. One of Niall’s hands moved down to squeeze one of his bum cheeks and he squealed in surprise.

“Maybe since the first time I had your cooking,” he shrugged as Harry blushed. “But I wasn’t sure until I saw that fine arse of yours move the day after I fucked you,” he said hotly, his breath warm against Harry’s skin.

“I thought you didn’t remember that night,” he blushed a deeper shade of red, remembering how he was limping badly the morning after.

Niall giggled. “I didn’t then. I remembered it eventually though. And it’s all I’ve been thinking about ever since,” he grinned, giving Harry’s bum another squeeze.

Harry squealed one more and then tried to compose his facial expression.  “And you didn’t say anything?” He put his hands on his hips, trying to be hurt that Niall had kept his mouth shut. Niall looked into his green eyes and pushed back a stray curl from Harry’s forehead as he whimpered softly. “I didn’t know you wanted me so bad, Styles. I didn’t know if you were serious about being gay, so I thought that one night was just an experiment for you. A fling. But when I caught you watching me in the recording booth, the expression on your face made me realize you were seriously flirting with me this morning, and that you loved me as much as I loved you.”

“And Ariette?” Harry prompted. Niall chuckled. “Ariette’s like the female version of you Haz. I like her, she’s a lovely lass, but one of the reasons I started dating her was because she reminded me of you when we first started hanging out. And, like I said, I didn’t even think it was possible that you had a thing for me. I thought, that by dating her, it would feel like I was dating you. But after Louis called, all I could think about was you, and I guess she realized that I was in love with you, ” he said softly, looking at him shyly. Harry bit his lip, trying to compare himself to Niall’s now-ex-girlfriend. For the most part, he didn’t’ see the resemblance. Sure they both had dark, curly hair and green eyes, but it wasn’t like she was Harry with boobs. Still, he said nothing. He looked into the Irish boy’s sea-blue eyes, and realized how adorable he was looking at him right then, as he waited for Harry to respond.

Harry instantly pushed him against the opposite wall, cupped his face and started kissing him passionately. This was what he was waiting for, to finally be able to kiss this lad with all the passion he had been bottling inside of him in the past six months. Niall was taken aback by Harry’s sudden roughness, but quickly began kissing him back.

“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this,” he breathed heavily when he pulled back. Niall chuckled and pulled him close. “I can imagine.”

Mature content begins here (skip to next chapter if uncomfortable).


Harry giggled as he felt his trousers get tighter in the crotch area as Niall pressed their bodies together. He looked at Niall and blushed when the boy was grinning too, knowing exactly what Harry was giggling about. “May I?” he asked, his fingers at the waistline of Harry’s trousers. Harry bit his lip and nodded, still blushing from his arousal. Niall smirked and somehow stuck his small hand in the front of the curly boy’s tightest pair of skinny jeans. He took hold on Harry’s dick and slowly began massaging his tip, causing Harry to let out a moan. As Harry’s pants grew tighter, he moaned louder. “Release…me…Ni…” he panted.

Niall grinned and pulled his hand free from Harry’s trousers. The younger boy let out a small whine, as he was still quite horny, but his crotch area was so tight, so he tried to be patient as Niall unbuttoned the jeans and pulled them down. As he waited, he cradled Niall’s face and began snogging him again, with just as much passion as before. His lips tasted like the pancakes and juice he had for breakfast and they were delicious. Harry felt like he could kiss them all day when suddenly he let out a surprised gasp. Niall had freed his dick from the tightness he had been experiencing and began pumping it, faster and faster with each pump.

“When did you get so good at this Ni?” Harry moaned heavenly, leaning on the wall for support as he tossed his head back in ecstasy. Niall snickered and kissed his neck, not bothering to answer his question. He released Harry’s now extremely hard member a second time to pull the boy’s Hipsta Please shirt off his toned body. Harry whined once more, but as soon as his shirt was off, he pressed Niall against the wall, stepping out of the legs of his jeans. He began kissing him again as his hands flew to Niall’s belt, where he expertly unbuckled it with ease. After all, since he was stark naked now, Niall should be too.

After Niall’s trousers were down, Harry took one of Niall’s hands and guided it back to his crotch, wanting the Irish lad to finish what he had started. Niall smiled into the kiss and tugged on the dick a few more times. Harry began moaning once more and broke away from the kiss. “I’m…going to…cum…” he moaned seductively into Niall’s ear. Niall grinned wider and bent his knees so that his head was eye-level to Harry’s dick. He wrapped his lips around it and ran his tongue across the tip.

“Holy shit Niall!” Harry moaned as he released his juices into Niall’s waiting mouth. The older boy swallowed as much as he could before it spilled out of the corners of his mouth. He grinned as he got back on his feet. Harry began kissing him once more, tasting his own cum. He could feel Niall’s own dick poking him and broke away to look down at Niall’s excitement.

“Harry?” Niall’s confused voice broke his train of thought before he could reach over and grab it.

“Yeah Ni?” Harry looked up at him dreamily.

“What do you think?” He sounded so confused, but still adorable.

“About what?” Harry suddenly wondered where horny Horan went. He wanted him back, to finish what they started.

“Me proposing to Ariette.”

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