Chapter 2.

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They both looked up and see Liam, Louis, and Zayn. Liam looked at them curiously, Louis was looking from them to the soaked floor, and Zayn seemed like he wanted to join in all the fun. Louis spoke first.

“What happened?!”

Niall and Harry looked at each other and burst out laughing. When they calmed down, Niall realized that Louis was still waiting. He gave him a tentative answer.

“Uh, well, Harry wouldn’t let me help with the cooking...”

“Niall flung soap bubbles at me!”

“Harry dumped water on me!”

“Niall got soap in my hair!”

“You got soap all over me!”

“You started it!”

Liam stepped forward to separate the two.

“You guys! Stop it!”

They both stopped and looked at him.

“All Louis asked was, what happened?”

Niall and Harry blushed and Harry looked around.

“Uh, we were washing the floor, Lou?”

Louis rolled his eyes.


Liam shook his head, trying not to laugh.

“Come on you two. We need to get ready for today’s photoshoot. You guys can go and, well, since you’re already clean, dry off. We’ll mop the floor.”

Louis and Zayn frowned.

“We will?”

Liam nodded.

“We don’t have much time for them to change and do it themselves.”

He looked at Harry and Niall.

“Go on you two. Get ready.”

Niall and Harry scurried out of the kitchen. Liam looked after them and shook his head as he handed Zayn and Louis each a mop.

“I wonder what’s going on between those two.”

Zayn looked at him.

“What do you mean?”

Liam shrugged. He didn’t really know what it was.

“You mean, you see it too?”

Louis looked at him with surprise.

“By golly, you know what I’m talking about Louis?”

Louis shrugged.

“I’ve been seeing it for awhile. It’s weird, really. Can’t quite explain it.”

Zayn looked at both of them with confusion and shook his head as he continued to mop.

“Have either of you asked them about it?”

Liam turned to him.

“That’s the strangest part. When I asked Niall about it this morning, he had no clue what I was talking about.”

Zayn stopped mopping and thought about it.


Louis looked at Liam for a second, and then continued mopping.

“Maybe Harry knows then.”


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