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Lying in my bed, I think back to a couple of weeks ago. I was friends with Stark, I remember he told me that Luke didn't talk. But he talked to me. He has became more opened, he needs somebody. He has somebody, and that's me. Luke didn't have any friends, he had no one. Then I came. I'm not being his friend because he needed one, hell not even because we both needed somebody. I won't be friends with him out of pity. I rolled over, looking at my phone. It was one in the morning, Luke was most likely sleeping. That didn't stop me from sending a message just containing the word, hey. 

I put my phone back down not expecting a reply. A few seconds later my phone buzzed. 



What was he doing up at this time? We have school tomorrow he should be sleeping, well I should be too but its whatever. 


Why are you still up?


I could ask the same thing. 

I laugh passed my lips. I quickly replied saying that I was gonna try to sleep and that I would see him tomorrow. He replied with a quick okay. I plugged my phone in, needing it to charge. Finally after what seemed like hours I had fallen asleep.


I walked into my first hour, my eyes met Lukes and I could tell just by looking at him that he got no sleep. Luckily I got a few hours. Word around school is that Stark, James, and Clark have been suspended for what they have done to Luke. I don't know why it didn't happen sooner, but I was glad that it did happen. 

The class drags by, the bell finally signals telling us class has ended after for what seems like a million years. Luke goes to walk past me but I grab his wrist. 

"Ow." He hissed in pain, taken his wrist out of my grip. He slightly rubbed it. I didn't question anything. I must have grabbed him to hard, I don't always realize how strong I am. 

"I will walk you to your next class?" He nodded and we headed out of the classroom. We reached his next class, mine was right down the hall. 

"Did you feel like hanging out tomorrow after six or so?" I blurted out, I didn't even I realize I said anything till he spoke. "Um, my brother and I have plans." 

I mentally slapped myself, of course he didn't want to hang out with me. "Okay, sorry I understand its so soon of being friends and you might not want to hang out an-" He cut me off. 

"Ashton, no. I would if I could. But my brother and yea." The minute bell rang, I looked at his lips. God, I wanted to kiss them so badly. 

"See you at lunch." I say more as a statement, and he nodded. 


Skipping to Friday night because im lame, and i didnt want to write unnecessary stuff.



"Luke lets go! Your gonna be late." I let out a groan. 

It was Friday, meaning I had to go to that stupid awareness group. Apparently it would help me but I didn't want or need help. I just wanted to hang out with Ashton. I hated that this group got in the way of me hanging out with my only friend. 

It was five minutes after four, and the group started at four-thirty. I fixed my hair and out of habit pulled down my sleeves. I got in the car with my brother and we drove to the hospital. Apparently the group met in a small lobby type deal, I wasn't even sure. 

My brother said he would be out here when I got out, which would be five-thirty. He said if I really needed to leave early, I could. 

I found my way to the room, a guy who I have never met before smiled at me. I didn't return the smile. I realized he was the guy in charge. There was about fifteen chairs in a circle, not including the guys. The seats were mostly filled. I sat in a seat that faced the door and the clock. There was a girl next to me and some guy next to me. The clock hit four-thirty and the guy started to talk. There was still one chair open and it was directly across from me. 

"Welcome, you guys are all welcome to call me Zac. We will start how we usually do. Stating your name, age, and why you are here. We will not judge you. We are here for you. You are allowed to pass if you feel like it. Now who will go first." The guy had said.

I looked down at my hands in my lap, the first kid was about to talk before the door opened. 

"Sorry Im late." The voice sounded familiar. I looked up and our eyes instantly met. 


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