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It was after school. Ashton gave Luke a ride home, his brother didn't seem to mind. It only gave him more time to prepare. Luke kissed Ashton and they might have gotten a little carried away in the car, Ashtons phone interrupting them. Leaving Luke with a promise to finish it later. When Luke had walked in the front door he noticed things were different, there were boxes sitting in the hallway. Nothing seemed to be gone, so they couldn't be moving could they? Luke couldn't leave Ashton, not yet anyways. He made a promise and wanted to stay true to it. 

"Luke? I'm in the kitchen." His brother yelled out. 

Making his way to the kitchen, just feeling uneasy. Like something bad was going to happen. When he walked in his brother smiled at him. 

"How was school?" 

Luke replied, "Fine."

Horrible, terrible. After the final bell rang, Ashton texted Luke and said he had to stay after for a few minutes for a teacher. He wanted him to meet him at his locker. So that was what Luke did, he got his bag and made his way towards Ashtons locker. He passed a group of girls, they yelled insults at him. Each one like a knife stabbing him in the back. Words like, fag, worthless, freak. 

Before he could think about his choice he flipped them off. The girls stood in slight shock. Luke never did anything when people said stuff, he usually just walked away. Although he just flipped them off, it was something new. He smiled to himself, feeling a little more confident. Leaning against Ashtons locker he didn't realize he was still smiling. 

"Aw someone is in a good mood." Ashton poked his cheek and Lukes smile fell. 

His brother sat a plate in front of him, bringing him back to reality for what seems like the tenth time today. 

"We have to talk." His brother stated, sitting next to him with his own plate. 

It was just a simple sandwich with chips. It was disgusting, Luke wanted to throw it away. Remembering his brother had said something he replied. 

"About what?" Rolling his eyes, he ate a little bit.  Making his brother calm down slightly. 

"Um..." Slowly starting off, Jessie walked in. 

Luke wasn't surprised that she was here, she was always here. He noticed something different, her hand. Specifically her ring finger, he couldn't see it that well but he could tell that there was a ring there.

"Have you told him yet?" Jessie sent Luke a dirty look which Jack didn't happen to catch, but Luke did.

Jack sighed, "I was about to." 

Luke stood up and pushed his plate away, "No need to tell me, I see the ring on her finger. Congratulations." Forcing a smile onto his face he left the room. 

Seeing the boxes in the hallway once again he realized what was happening. His brother was now engaged, meaning Jessie would be moving in with them. With Jessie came Stark and life just kept getting worse and worse for Luke. 


I heard my phone go off, I knew it was Ashton. I knew what the text said and I didn't even have to look at it. He was on his way to my house, Friday meant group and I guess he wanted me to go. I didn't want to go. I was only going because he wanted me to go with him. I turned onto my side, my back facing the door. I covered up with a blanket and brought my legs closer to my chest. Making me kinda curl up into a ball. Closing my eyes, maybe if I was sleeping when he got here he wouldn't make me go. It wouldn't take me long to fall asleep anyways. 

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