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"I promise I won't leave you Ash." 

Kissing Ashton was still like kissing him for the first time. I could never get sick of kissing him. Kissing him was like all the thoughts disappeared in my head and filled with Ashton. He was all I could think about.

We laid there in each others arms for awhile. I started to feel bad as I knew that sooner or later I would break my promise to Ashton. I wouldn't tell him though, he would be all worried about me and I didn't need that. I heard him say something about him going to his old ways and I knew what he meant by that. I knew that he had beaten anorexia, I knew that he was thinking of going back to not eating. But why? I knew I had to be there for him, but how could I be strong for him when I couldn't be strong for myself?

I wasn't sure on what the time was but I looked over to my alarm clock and it read two. Two in the afternoon and I haven't done anything today. It wasn't like any other day but it felt weird because I was with Ashton. Usually we always do something, never just lay in bed unless it meant sleeping. But i didn't feel like sleeping, I just wanted to do something other then lay here in his arms. Not that I didn't mind it, I actually loved it but I feel like we should go do something. 

"Lets go see a movie." I suggested, Ashton just looked at me. "Okay." 

We got up and I fixed my hair, deciding that I should probably change. I grabbed a hoodie and some jeans. I pushed Ashton out of the room and quickly changed, re-fixing my hair. I thought I looked okay, I guess. I open the door and Ashton was leaning against the wall. He turned around and looked me over. 

"You look hot." I could feel my cheeks go red. 

I didn't say anything. Going downstairs while he followed. I grabbed my brothers car keys.

"I thought you couldn't drive?" Ashton asked and I rolled my eyes. 

"I can, I just don't like too, and my brother doesn't really trust me with his car." 

I had a feeling he wanted to say more but my brother walked in. He looked at his keys in my hand and then at Ashton.

"Just be back before eight or ill be calling the police to come find you." I nodded and went outside with Ashton following. 

I went to the closest movie theater we had, which happened to be in the mall. I hated the mall, mostly because people from school were always there. I parked the car and got out of the car. Walking up to the mall, I held hands with Ashton. Once in the mall still holding hands, people gave us weird looks. I could hear the whispers around me, thankfully it was only a few people but I still noticed. 

We looked up at the movies playing. We decided to go with American Sniper, Ashton didn't know what it would be about neither did I. We still got them though, we bought our tickets but the movie didn't start for another twenty minutes. Since the food court was near the theater we went and sat at a table. 

We sat there for a bit when I noticed something different about Ashton. He seemed more tense and seemed to be looking at something behind me.


He looked from whatever he was looking at to me. He gave me a small smile. "Luke?"

"Whats wrong?" 

He looked away from me again for a few seconds before looking back at me. "Someone at my old school is here and....we don't really have good history." 

He paused in the middle of his sentence making me worry. How did they have bad history? Did they use to date and broke up?

"I'm confused." I simply stated. 

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