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I'm actually updating when I said I would wow. I guess before you all read this I just want to say thank you. Thank you for reading this story, it means a lot to me. This story will not have a sequel. I do not see the need for it, and I wouldn't possibly want to drag out the story line for no reason. If you liked this story and want to read more of my writing, I am starting another Lashton story called Hershey Kisses. The first chapter will be up as soon as I stop being lazy lol. I will also be starting a Michael fic, all thats planned out right now is the name, which is Untitled Marks. Also if you ever need someone to talk to, you can message me anytime. I love you guys, thanks for reading.:) (May or may not post an authors note after this. )

 Its been three years.

Three years since Ashton walked into the bathroom and saw Luke covered in his own blood.

Three years since Luke tried to commit suicide.

He didn't succeed. He failed at getting to his goal, he broke his promise to myself. 

But three years later he couldn't be more grateful for not achieving the one thing he wanted for so long.

Three years ago on that night Ashton saved him. If Ashton would have been there five minutes later, Luke would have been gone forever. 

Luke remembers that day in the hospital, it was three days after his birthday. Three days after he tried to kill himself. Ashton screaming in joy and basically jumping onto the bed to get Luke in his arms. Promising that he would always make sure they didn't go longer then a week without seeing each other. That they would make this work. 

Luke realized how lucky and blessed he was. He realized now that he didn't want to die, he wanted to live. He wanted to live as long as Ashton was beside him. Which is why Luke decided to go and get help. He was gone for three months but it helped. 

Three years later he was still dealing with his problems but he had them under control, after all depression isn't something that can end just like that. Ashton makes sure he eats, and Luke makes sure that his boyfriend does the same. 

The two live in a small apartment, Luke finished school, now working at a small restaurant down the street from their apartment. Ashton was going to a community college, he wasn't sure what he wanted to be yet but was getting degrees in a couple of different fields. 


Luke sat in the room, waiting for the time to come. His brother knocked on the door and he knew it was time. Yes after three years they both realized they couldn't live without each other.  Today was their wedding day. It was a very small wedding, only having Ashtons family and Lukes brother. They didn't want anyone else there anyways. 

It was all a blur to Luke, he remembered seeing Ashtons smile. Before Luke knew it he had to say his vows. He awkwardly coughed, not liking everyone looking at him but Ashton squeezed his hand. He smiled up at him, and then he started saying his vow,  that he made sure he had memorized. 

     Ashton, babe, oh where do I start. Well I guess I want to say thank you. I want to say thank you for never leaving me. For never giving up on me. I wasn't sure what made you stay or even talk to me but I'm internally grateful that you stayed. When I met you, I was broken. I was like glass, I was shattered. I ripped myself apart, but you. You didn't care, I remember the first time we kissed. It made me realize that you don't need tape or glue to stick your broken parts together. All you really need is someone, and that someone hugged me so tight that all of my broken parts stuck back together. Sure it took awhile, but I am so thankful to have you Ashton Irwin in my life and I wouldn't have it any other way. 

At four o'clock on July 22nd, the two boys kissed, sealing their love. Forgetting the past and starting a new life together, filled with happiness and no regrets. 

The End.

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