Dadus Annus (Annus - Dream Daddy!AU)

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A/N: This is a Dream Daddy AU where Annus is a single parent. This is an ego AU concept that my friend, Muffin came up with and I wanted to write some stuff on the character I play in it! I hope you all enjoy!

Nobody ever said being a single parent was going to be easy. It had its ups and downs, twists, turns and curveballs, and Annus had to adjust to this very quickly when he adopted Alice at the age of eight. There were things he simply wasn't prepared for, and that was okay. Arguments, tantrums, stony silences – he'd experienced it all. Even now at the age of fourteen, Alice and he would have bad days around each other. Annus couldn't exactly blame her for feeling the way she did.

Although, more recently Annus had noticed a few things odd about Alice's behaviour. She was being quiet more often, staying in her room for days on end, passing a few glares at him if he even said hello to her. She had always been a bit moody, even at the beginning. Again, he couldn't blame her. Her upbringing hadn't been the best with her birth parents, and he thought that perhaps she resented that. She had every right to. But this was different somehow.

Of course, Annus wasn't totally ignorant to the fact that she was going through a very trying time in her life – puberty. Her hormones must have been raging and causing her to experience a lot of new and unusual things with her body. Maybe she was too scared or embarrassed to talk about it to him. Though, even that didn't seem to be the problem, at least not fully. This was going to take some investigation.

It was only now that he noticed something that might help him figure out what was going on.

Whilst cleaning the kitchen, and preparing food for his and Alice's lunch, he happened to glance over at the fridge, where the happiness scale was stuck. This had been a system that he and Alice had used ever since she came into his care, and it had become an integral part of how they communicated when Alice didn't want to speak to him.

A frown crossed his features, and he went and looked it over. There was a circle around the number zero, the description of which was helpless/depressed. That certainly wasn't good. He'd never seen her circle this one before. He then cast his eyes down to the box below, which she used to write what she needed to feel better again. In the box she had written; I'm not sure...

Annus felt his blood run cold and concern planted itself on his face. His heart began to beat just a little faster, worry filling every inch of him. He needed to go and help his little girl right now. Ditching the food, he quickly made for the stairs, going up to Alice's room.

As he stopped outside, he heard what he thought were sharp inhales of breath followed by small sniffles. Was Alice crying? He mustered up some courage and knocked on the door. "Alice, sweetheart, can I come in a second?" He asked, keeping his voice at a calm level.

From inside he could hear shuffling and a few soft curses. A quiet come in signalled that he was alright to enter, though the voice was shaky, giving away the emotional state she must have been in.

As soon as he opened the door, he was met by a sight equally as heart breaking as he imagined – Alice curled up, knees almost to her chest, clutching her favourite teddy bear. Her face was stained with tears, a few in the corners of her eyes and she occasionally sniffled. He didn't see her like this often and it was horrible for him.

He gently closed the door and went over to her, perching on the edge of the bed, his eyes soft as he looked at her. "Hey... I saw the chart downstairs on the fridge. What's the matter?" He asked.

Alice didn't even look at him, pulling her bear even closer to her. He watched as more tears seemed to fill her eyes, spilling down onto the pillow.

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