I Can't Sing, I Can't Dance! (Yancy)

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A/N: This is another oneshot based on the art of @_onemorefanartist_ on Instagram. The post art that this is based on doesn't have a title, but the date of the post is 26th November 2019, slides 2, 3 and 4. I have their permission to base the oneshot off their art. This oneshot contains the character Priscilla, but you can substitute the name for your own if you wish.

I hope you all enjoy!

It was a regular Saturday in Happy Trails Penitentiary – the inmates were given this day as their 'free time' day. The common room was open all day and the guards patrolled like normal, albeit a little laxer in their routines. The inmates were allowed to come and go from their cells as they pleased, and generally the atmosphere was relaxed.

The warden, Mr. Murder Slaughter, made his rounds, seeing that the inmates didn't take too much advantage of the relaxed air around the prison. Give them an inch, and they'll take a mile – that was what he always said, but they knew their place. They were happy here, so they weren't about to screw the cushy life up.

Yancy would always use this day each week to create and rehearse dance routines with his friends Tiny, Bam Bam, Jimmy the Pickle, Shithole Hank and Sparkles McGee. The others would usually watch, amused by what they came up with. It was a regular thing, and had become a sort of free show.

They were doing a particularly complex routine, which required absolute focus and quiet, so the common room was silent.

"Okay, and one and two and three and four- AH! Watch it Hank! Tha' was my foot!" Yancy cried out, staggering and huffing a little. He gave Hank a glare.

Hank, one of the larger ones in the group, looked at him sheepishly. "Sorry Yance... It's just that my feet don't do the moves so good..." He said, fiddling with his fingers.

"Don't do the moves so good..." Yancy repeated, eyes narrowed on Hank. "Youse was born with two left feet, that's why."

Hank looked down and rubbed his arm, looking downhearted.

Tiny frowned and stepped forward. "Don't be so hard on him Yancy... It's a tricky routine. Just take it slow and show him again. He'll get it. Not everyone is a natural dancer like you." She reminded him gently.

Yancy sighed and rubbed his neck, looking at Hank. "Yeah... Youse is right. Sorry Hank." He said softly. "Do ya wanna try it again?" He asked.

Hank looked up at him and nodded. "I'll try extra hard this time Yance!" He said with a bit of playfulness and determination in his voice.

Yancy gave him a crooked smile and nodded. "That's the spirit!" He then took his usual position at the front of the group. "Right, now watch carefully. Five, six, seven, eight... We're gonna go one and two... and three and four..." He instructed much slower so that Hank could pick it up easier.

Hank's eyes were laser focused on Yancy's feet, his tongue sticking out with concentration as he moved forward and back with him. Next came the part where he crashed into Yancy. He watched carefully and followed step by step.

"Forward, and side step, side step, grapevine left and right again... Slide and spin on youses heel, and step, step, jazz hands!" Yancy said.

Hank finished in his jazz hands pose and he felt a flutter of excitement rush through his stomach. "Did I do good Yance?" He asked, looking for approval.

Yancy turned around to him and grinned. "Youse did amazin' Hank! Tha's the best youse ever danced!"

The rest of the group gave him a cheer and a round of applause. Hank stood there, blushing bright pink, happy that he'd got it right.

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