Fall (Darkiplier - Part 2)

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A/N: Here's part 2. Enjoy! :) (Credit for the edit above goes to Markired on Tumblr) 

Y/N sighed out and crossed her arms. "Well... I better try and figure this out. It's some type of puzzle after all." She muttered.

She began by going up to each of the doors and trying the handles. Quickly she found that they were all locked. It wasn't going to be so simple as that. She then decided that she would check the keyholes, which seemed to adorn all the doors. Upon closer inspection she saw that every single one was different in shape and size.

"A different key for every door? That's a little excessive." She sighed. "And I don't have any keys..."

Y/N's eyes wandered and soon fell on a glass table at the centre of the room. She frowned and looked up at the ceiling, the hole being directly above the table. "That's funny... I don't remember that being there... If it was, I would have fallen on it..." She said.

Cautiously she approached the table, realising that it was most likely part of the 'trial'. As she neared it she could see a glinting piece of metal on the top. "A key..." She mumbled and picked up the tiny golden key.

Instantly she took it and rushed to the doors, trying the key in turn for each one. Her heart sank more and more as she realised that every keyhole was wrong for the key in some way. They were either too large, too small, or just the wrong shape altogether. Either way, the key just didn't fit.

Once more her hopes were dashed as she returned to the table and put the key down, extremely disheartened until she saw a bottle with some strange pink liquid inside. The bottle was clear with a cork in the top, a label tied around the neck loosely.

She glanced around as she picked it up, looking at the tag, which had DRINK ME written in large letters on it.

Y/N scoffed a bit at this. "Drink me...? You really expect me to drink this thing?" She asked out to anyone who might be listening. "For all I know you could've poisoned it."

But the longer she stood there, the more she realised that there was no way she would be getting out any time soon if she didn't try it.

She rolled her eyes and pulled out the cork, sniffing the liquid hesitantly. "At least it doesn't smell like poison." She shrugged. "Though I'm not exactly sure what it does smell like."

A few moments of debating the situation later, Y/N finally took a deep breath for courage before she took a sip of the drink.

Her throat became irritated, making her cough a bit as she waited to see what would happen.

Not long after she began to feel odd and her body started to shrink rapidly. This was enough to shock her completely. She hurriedly put the bottle on the table, not wanting it to smash. The last thing she needed were more injuries.

The effect didn't last more than a minute, but in that short time, she'd become so small that she couldn't see the tabletop anymore – rather, she was looking up through it.

"Great, now what was that for...?" She huffed and rolled her eyes once more, a pout resting on her lips.

Y/N put her hands on her hips as she looked around for something to help, or a reason why she might have been shrunk in the first place. Her eyes lit up as she saw a door, which wasn't there before. She rushed over and tried to open it, but became worried when she realised that it was locked.

"Oh god, no, what am I supposed to do now?" She stepped back from the door and sighed quietly.

Turning back towards the table something clicked in her head. "The key! I need to get the key!"

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