Love Is An Adventure (Illinois)

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A/N: This oneshot is going to be an x reader. The reader in this will be gender neutral and you can swap the they/them pronouns for your own if you wish. I also got the idea for Illinois having a monkey as a friend/companion from @gravity.factor on TikTok. Go and check out their account because they have some amazing cosplay videos.

I hope you all enjoy!

"Faster! Run faster! It's catching up to us!" Y/N cried out, constantly checking behind them to see just how close they were to being flattened.

"Oh, calm down... It'll be alright Y/N, this happens all the time. I'm used to it..." Came the cocky response from Illinois. He was still running, but it seemed more like a light jog through a park to him rather than a life or death situation.

Y/N rolled their eyes. "Yeah, well I'd rather not die just yet!" They shouted, becoming breathless as they ran. Their legs were beginning to hurt, yet they couldn't stop now or that really would be the end.

They both saw that there was a huge crevasse coming up, and their only escape would be to jump. At this prospect Y/N's eyes widened in terror, but Illinois still remained as cool as a cucumber. Neither had time to think before their feet left the ground and they were flying through the air straight to the other side. Y/N's life flashed before their eyes and they felt like they had managed to achieve so little in their time on Earth.

All they could think was, "I can't die yet. I can't die yet!"

After what felt like forever, but had actually only been a few seconds, they landed on the other side in a heap. They had only a few moments to scramble up before they saw the huge boulder go crashing down into the huge hole.

Y/N stared down into the blackness, frozen to the spot, not quite believing that they were on solid ground and still alive.

Illinois, on the other hand, seemed to be taking it in his stride, already on his feet and brushing himself off. He adjusted his hat and opened his satchel, pulling out what looked to be a bag of treats.

He reached a hand inside and pulled out a treat before clicking his tongue. "Here boy... Come on..." He called.

Soon after a small black and white monkey came scampering out of the darkness ahead of them, quickly climbing up and onto his master's shoulder. He let out a small chirp of happiness as he was handed the treat.

"Good boy! I missed ya buddy..." Illinois grinned, giving the monkey's head a small scratch. He the turned to Y/N and rose a brow. "Done kissing the ground yet?"

Y/N looked up at him and narrowed their eyes. "Is this a joke to you?!" They yelled and got up.

"I don't know... Why? Do you think it's funny darlin'?" He asked in his smooth, deep voice.

"No! That's the point!"

"Well then we both agree. This is a serious matter..." He said. He then gave them a wink. "Now, according to my intuition and impeccable sense of direction, the path to your heart is this-a way..." He smirked, pulling them closer by the hips.

Y/N looked beyond astonished. "Are you really trying to flirt with me?!"

"Well... What else does it look like?" He asked, raising a brow as his hand ran up their side.

"Ugh, get off me you jerk! How can you do this at a time like this?" They pushed his hands off.

"How can you keep rejecting my advances? Nobody can ever resist my charm... And let's face it, who'd want to resist this beautiful face?" He ran his hand along his own jawline.

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