Fall (Darkiplier - Part 4)

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A/N: Here is part 4 of this oneshot finally! I hope you all enjoy! :) (Credit for the edit above goes to Markired on Tumblr) 

Anger and disappointment were all Dark could feel as he walked along the path towards that garish looking house Will lived in. Why he chose such horrid, clashing colours to paint it Dark would never know, but he put up with it nonetheless. The closer he got, the louder the sounds of laughter and singing became. Rolling his eyes, he huffed, not really wanting to deal with this stupidity today.

As he approached the table and stopped ominously at the end of it, the singing and laughter halted instantly, Wilford's eyes lighting up in delight at seeing his friend. "Dark, how good to see you! What brings you to my tea party, old chap?" He asked.

Dark's gloomy expression indicated that he wasn't in the mood for this. Instantly, Wilford's smile fell and he nervously cleared his throat as he waited. He could tell this was a serious matter.

"Bring some of your tea, I need your help immediately." Dark said shortly.

Wilford frowned, tilting his head in confusion. "Why, what happened?"

A deep exhale sounded, followed by an irritated shake of his head. "The girl I brought down here for Yan... she has less sense than you, and that's saying something. She went snooping and got herself stuck in my house, just like that traitor, Alice. I need you to help me get her out."

"Ah, I see." Was all Wilford could say before he nodded. He appeared a tad hurt by Dark's remark as he prepared the tea. Dark took little notice, tapping his foot impatiently and checking his pocket watch once again.

Meanwhile, back at Dark's house, Y/N was thinking about the whole situation she was in, the guilt beginning to worsen when a familiar and unwelcome voice spoke.

"In trouble again, hm?" A glitchy giggle followed, causing Y/N to look up quickly.

As soon as she saw who it was her heart sank slightly. "What do you want?" She asked.

Anti tilted his head, a pout on his face. "What's the matter? Not happy to see me?"

Y/N scoffed and shook her head. "Not likely. It's your fault I'm in this mess in the first place!"

Anti's voice remained smooth, even if small glitches interrupted his speech. "I might just have a way of getting you out of there..." He smiled, though it seemed quite ingenuine.

"No thanks, I don't need your help. Dark's gone to get someone called Will to help me." Y/N replied, very sceptical about accepting any help from him.

"Will? Oh, but that's going to take so long. Will lives over an hour away. I have something that could solve the problem in only five minutes. Doesn't that sound good?" He asked her, head tilting again.

Y/N thought about it. "Well, yes, it does, but Dark told me not to do anything whilst he was gone and-"

Anti cut her off. "Think about it this way – neither you or Dark want you to be stuck in there any longer, right? So, my solution solves both of those problems. You're out and Dark's happy. Win-win." A smile spread across his lips. "And all you have to do is drink this..."

Just like that a small bottle of neon green liquid appeared in his hand, which he held out to her.

Biting her lip, she thought about it again, knowing deep down this was probably a bad idea. "I suppose if it will get me out then it can't hurt, right?" She reached out and took the bottle from him.

"Exactly." Anti chuckled.

Hesitantly Y/N pulled the cork out of the tiny bottle, giving it a sniff. It didn't exactly smell very nice, and that should have been her indication to stop, but instead she brought it to her lips, about to down it before a booming voice broke the silence, making her freeze instantly.

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