Heavy (Darkiplier)

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A/N: This is a female x reader, but if you would like to you can substitute any words or pronouns for your own to make it more personal to you.

It was that time of the week again – the weigh in.

Every week it filled Y/N's mind with dread. She was always afraid of what the outcome would be, and ever since she started this diet, she felt like she wasn't making any progress. The numbers said just as much. Most weeks she dropped only a pound or two, whilst other times she gained weight.

She stood in the bathroom, looking down at the set of scales on the floor, taking a deep breath. She removed as much clothing as she could, left in only her bra and panties. She was trying to fool herself into thinking that it would make a huge difference, when in reality it did very little.

After fifteen minutes of procrastination she finally stepped onto them. She heard a creak as they took her weight before she looked down. She could see the digital display calculating her weight before some numbers popped up across the screen.

As she read them in her head, her heart sank.


That was worse than last time.

She felt her eyes stinging as the wave of disappointment and anger hit her. Insecurities that were already there came flooding back stronger, her fists clenching in frustration.

"How is this not working...?" She whispered to herself. "How did I gain weight?"

Stepping off the scales, she kicked them aside, turning her attention to the mirror. Her eyes immediately wandered down, focusing on her wide hips and flabby stomach. Soon after, her vision blurred as tears began to spill down her cheeks.

She grabbed her stomach with both hands, squeezing it slightly. "Disgusting. You're disgusting, you know that?" She spat at herself. "You look like a whale! Why does he stay with you?! He deserves someone better! He deserves a goddess, not a tub of lard!" She grew angrier with herself, her voice steadily rising as her frustration took over.

"He'd be better off without you! You eat all day. Why don't you put down the fucking fork and try working out sometime, you piece of useless trash!" She screamed at her reflection.

As she shouted this she fell back against the wall, sliding down, tears streaming down her face. She was shaking now as she sat on the floor, her arms clasped around her legs, holding them close as her sobs came out broken.

Through the sounds of her crying came a soft knock at the bathroom door and then a voice which was smooth and full of concern.

"Darling? Are you okay?" Dark asked, leaning with his ear pressed to the door. "I heard shouting."

Y/N looked up towards the door, wiping her face a little. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine..." She replied, though her voice wobbled, giving her away.

Dark frowned to himself, his hand resting on the door handle, ready to go in at any second if need be. "Don't lie to me Y/N, you know I can see through it. What's wrong? You sound like you've been crying..."

"Dark, p-please, just leave it... Everything's fine... Go back to whatever you were doing." She called out, her voice showing her unhappiness.

The demon wouldn't take no for an answer. She was his world and to hear her in distress like this activated his protective instincts. He needed to help his princess. Without another word he opened the door and the sight that met his eyes made his heart break a little.

He looked around seeing her clothes on the ground and took note of her tear stained face before he went over and knelt beside her. "Sweetheart, what's wrong? Are you hurt?"

Y/N looked at him in bewilderment, like a rabbit in the headlights when he opened the door. She shifted away from him a little, which made him more afraid that he might have done something wrong.

"Y/N, what is it....? Is it me? Did I hurt you in some way?" He asked, reaching his hand out to cup her cheek, which was warm from crying.

Y/N shook her head instantly, leaning into his hand. The tears began to stream once more, sobs leaving her lips. Dark swallowed thickly. "Please... Tell me what's wrong."

At this point he had no idea about the diet. She'd kept it a secret from him and now she had to explain what was going on.

"Dark... Do you think I'm fat...?" She asked.

The demon's auras flared a bit at the question, the blue one most prominent. "Fat? No... How could you think I would think that about you? You're perfect." He said. He tilted his head a little. "Why?"

Y/N looked over at the scales, biting her lip before her eyes moved up to meet his. "I'm one hundred and ninety-six pounds, Dark... That's fat..." She said, the tears falling still.

"What...?" He clocked where she was looking. "Y/N, what's going on? Did someone say something to you, because if they did-" His red aura now flared badly, Celine coming to the forefront of his mind. She wasn't one to take disrespect, especially towards his beloved.

"No, no... Nobody said anything to me..." Y/N cut in. She sighed deeply and turned her whole body towards him. "I- I have a confession to make..." She whispered. "For the last month and a half I've been dieting..." She said.

Dark frowned, obviously heavily puzzled by this fact. "Why?"

"Well, because I was getting really fat... I was gaining weight and I... I didn't like it. I was scared because you should be with someone who's perfect and pretty and thin... Not a blob like me." She sniffed, looking down at her hands, which she fiddled with.

"Y/N... You are perfect to me. I don't want someone pretty and thin... I have you. You're my princess... My queen even. You don't need to change a single thing about yourself. I don't think you're fat in the slightest." Dark said softly, lifting her chin so she had no choice but to look at him. His thumbs swiped the tears from her cheeks gently.

"The other girls are so much better than me though... You wouldn't have a whale like me walking around with you..."

"But I don't want the other girls. Why would I want to be with some size zero, perfect girl with no personality?" He countered. "I don't want them. If I did, then I would have chosen to be with them. Instead I chose to be with you. Do you know why I chose you?" He asked, looking her dead in the eyes.

She shook her head.

"Because you're beautiful inside and out. You're clever, talented, funny, kind-hearted and the best person to cuddle with. You're more than your size. So what if you're not a size 2... I didn't fall in love with you for your size, I fell in love with you for your personality. I fell in love with you. I accept your flaws and imperfections, just as you do mine. I don't care if you have stretch marks or flabby thighs or a double chin... You're still you. You're human. No human is perfect. As much as you like to kid yourself that there are perfect humans out there, there aren't. They all have flaws. They all have imperfections, but they're what make you who you are." Dark said sincerely.

Y/N listened to him and swallowed thickly. "You really think that?" She asked in a shy whisper, a blush covering her cheeks.

"I really do my dear." He nodded. "I would never lie to you. Damien and Celine would never allow it." He chuckled.

Y/N smiled softly, a little laugh leaving her lips.

"There's that beautiful smile I love." Dark whispered. He leaned in and gave her a kiss on her forehead. "Come on, let's get you into your pjs and watch a movie, hm? Your choice."

He stood up and picked her up bridal style. She wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning her head on his shoulder. "Can we have cocoa with marshmallows in it?" She asked softly.

Dark chuckled lightly as she looked down at her. "Of course we can, sweetheart. Anything for you, princess." 

A/N: I hope you liked that. Let me know what you thought!

 I am using writing prompts for the upcoming oneshots, which I hope will help me with ideas. 

I hope you enjoy what I do with them! 

~Antiseptictrash ;) <3

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