Rule Breaker (Mark)

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A/N: I got the idea for this one from a TikTok. This is a gender-neutral x reader. I hope you all enjoy. :)

You and Mark had known each other for quite a while now, and you were getting to be pretty good friends. You came to know him through some video editing that you'd done on some YouTube videos, which he very much liked the style of.

Though you had edited some of his videos here and there, you didn't become his permanent editor. You were more of a helper. He'd call on you if he needed a video doing quickly and he wasn't able to ask Lixian, Rachel or Marcus for whatever reason.

Honestly, you didn't really mind. It was work, and you got to know Mark a little better in the process. You'd even been introduced to Amy, Chica and Henry, all of whom you loved. Henry had started to slowly come out of his shell around you now, which was quite the development since he was wary around new people.

Going back to Mark. You'd noticed that he didn't really seem to have all that many rules, being a pretty relaxed and laid-back person. He was exactly how he was on camera, albeit a little less loud. Of course, you didn't mind that, in fact you welcomed it – there weren't many people you'd met quite like him.

The only rules he did have in place were simple; be polite, treat others how you'd want to be treated, and don't, under any circumstances, go into his recording room without his permission.

Obviously, you understood and respected these rules, and you didn't exactly see why you would ever need or want to break them in the first place. And so, you went about your daily life as normal, waiting for that next call to help Mark in any way.

It took around three weeks, but sure enough you got a call from him to go over and help with some of the editing and fine tuning for his latest project Unus Annus. Naturally you said yes and went round to his house. Ethan was there getting out of some ridiculous outfit, and Amy was putting away some of the recording equipment.

You rose a brow at what Mark was wearing. "I won't ask..." You mumbled.

Mark looked down at himself and scoffed a little. "Oh... forgot I was wearing this. Uh, you'll see why in the video later. Anyways, come in. How've you been?"

A smile broke on your face as you stepped inside. "Me? I've been good. Getting through things. Editing and stuff... same old, same old. You?"

Mark closed the door and began walking towards the sitting room, pulling off some of the outfit he wore, revealing his usual Cloak t-shirt underneath. He turned back to you as he threw the things into a large box, which appeared to contain Unus Annus props – some of which were questionable to say the least. "Well, I'm pretty exhausted from the project, but it's a good type of exhausted, y'know? Like it feels nice to be tired at the end of a long day. Though, I'll definitely enjoy having some time to myself when it's over."

"I get what you mean, yeah, but from what I've seen of the channel, it looks fun. Incidentally, what did you need me to do?" You asked, perching on the arm of the sofa.

Seeming preoccupied, Mark simply blinked and looked up at you, an expression on his face that told you he hadn't been listening to what you said. "Huh?"

You rolled your eyes. "What do you need me for?" You asked again, emphasising each word on purpose.

Finishing what he was doing, Mark stood up again and thought. "Oh! I needed you to help out with the editing of the video we filmed today. Your style would really fit, I think, and uh..."

"And what?" You frowned now, confused over why he stopped.

Mark shifted in place before he began walking out of the room. "Follow me." He called out behind him. Obliging, you did. He took you upstairs and into his recording room for a moment. It was strange to be on this side of the camera. "Come look at this."

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