What About Freedom? (Yancy)

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A/N: This oneshot is based on the art of @_onemorefanartist_ on Instagram. The post art that it's based on is called 'What about freedom?' parts 1 and 2. They gave me permission to base this oneshot on their art. Go and check out their art because they are an amazing artist! Also, any Yancy oneshots based on their art will have a character called Priscilla in them. If you don't like this, you can substitute the name for your own.

I hope you all enjoy!

Yancy had led Priscilla all the way out of the prison, making sure she kept a blindfold on the whole time. He couldn't risk anyone finding out about the way out, could he? They'd gone over obstacles, ducked under strange things and jumped more times than she could count, but finally they came to a dead stop.

Priscilla could feel the cold wind blowing on her face and when the blindfold was lifted everything became real. She was stood on one side of the gate to Happy Trails Penitentiary and Yancy was stood on the other, looking back at her. He still looked beaten up, his eyes held some happiness, sparkling in the moonlight, but she could see other emotions there, despite him putting on a brave face.

Yancy tilted his head a little. "Well... I guess this is it, huh? Youse can go free, just like ya wanted." He stepped towards the gates and put his hand in his pocket. "I bet ya family'll be happy to see ya, huh..."

There was something hanging over the two and Priscilla decided to just come out and say what she was thinking. "Why don't you come with me? I'm sure I could help you get back on your feet... I know it would be hard, but-"

He cut her off with a sad scoff. "Me? Out there... With you? I..." He looked down and shook his head, a heavy sigh leaving his lips. He rubbed the back of his neck as he continued. "Nah... Heh... I um, I done a lotta bad things..." His hands reached up and held the bars between them both. "And uh... This is home!" He said hastily, putting on a smile, but she could see that it was full of sadness.

Priscilla could feel her heart tugging at the sight of him like this.

"I better get back to it... But uh... Hey, if youse ever think about it..." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a black key, placing it in her hands. "Take it... It could help ya out." He said. "And remember, every third Sunday!"

The girl's eyes glanced down to look at the key, a note attached and by the time she looked back up Yancy was gone. She swallowed thickly, before reading what was written on the piece of paper attached to the key.

'Come back whenever... Don't be a stranger...'

She tilted her head in confusion as she saw a picture of a crudely drawn skeleton at the bottom. She thought for a moment and then it hit her. It was a skeleton key. She gasped in excitement, but that was quickly cut off by the sirens sounding around the prison. They knew she was gone.

She quickly turned and rushed off, putting her stealth training to use, blending in with the scenery and disappearing.




Yancy had been miserable for the whole day, moping around, his face touching the floor. The other inmates could see it, but none of them had been able to cheer him up.

"Yance, you okay? You've barely touched your food..." Tiny asked him, watching as he pushed the food around his plate, but not taking a bite.

Yancy's head moved off his hand momentarily so he could look up at her and he shrugged. "I'm just not hungry..." He said, his head once more leaning back on his hand.

Tiny frowned, but didn't push it. She didn't want to make him upset any further.

He finally gave up with the plate of food and pushed it away, tracing small shapes on the table. Usually after he'd eaten lunch he'd have been up choreographing a new part to his many dances that he created, or asked a guard if he could go in the yard for a sneaky cigarette, but not today. He hadn't got the energy or motivation to do any of that.

Eventually time came for him to be taken back to his cell. He wandered inside and sat on the floor, his head held up by his hands, leaning on his knees. His mind couldn't focus on anything but her. Her laugh, her smile, even the way she would flick her hair when it was in her face.

Each time someone went past the cell, a guard usually, his head would shoot up, expecting to see her standing there. And each time he would look back down even more disappointed than before. This went on for hours until there was a knock on the bars of the cell.

Once again Yancy's head snapped up, his eyes meeting with that of a guard who seemed like he wanted to be anywhere else but there. "Soup's on..." He mumbled out.

Yancy looked away, annoyed that he'd been fooled again.

The guard rolled his eyes and spoke again. "She ain't comin' back, Yance. You're gonna have to wait the three weeks like the rest of us."

As the guard shuffled away Yancy muttered the sentence in a mocking tone like a child. He then closed his eyes and covered his face with his hands, wanting to hide from the guards. He felt like such an idiot for thinking that she would pick prison life over freedom and her family. Even so, he still couldn't help what his head was thinking.

It was silent for a while in the corridors, nobody really passing up and down, the dull hum of chatter coming from the cafeteria. Yancy ran a hand through his hair and stared at the ground between his feet.

Suddenly there was a little shuffle and two taps on his shoulder. He looked up lazily, thinking a guard would be there ready to pester him to go and eat, but his eyes widened in shock, life returning to them.

"Priscilla?!" He shouted, happiness saturating his voice.

"Hi..." She said with a soft smile, looking down at him slightly.

"Youse came back? But... What about youses family?" He tilted his head, confused.

Priscilla rubbed her arm, looking to the side a bit. "I doubt they'd be too proud if I came home an escaped convict and convicted robber. I think I already disappoint them enough..." She said with a sigh.

Yancy didn't know how to respond to that, but he felt a little mad inside. Not at her, but something he couldn't put his finger on. Perhaps he just knew how she felt.

"And hey! Maybe... Next parole..." She slid down the wall and took a seat next to him on the floor. "We could give it a shot?" She looked at him hopefully.

Yancy looked back at her and smiled softly, placing his hand over hers on the ground between them. His chocolate brown eyes were sparkling with joy and he nodded. "I'd like that..."

Priscilla leaned her head on his shoulder and sighed softly, just enjoying his company, whilst Yancy smiled to himself, happy to have his best friend back.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed that. I know it was short, but this is my first time writing these characters. Let me know what you thought in the comments, and maybe vote?

Also, you can leave requests for stories if you have ideas.

Thanks guys!

~ Antiseptictrash

Markiplier Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें