"Are you telling me that I.M.P. has closed it's doors? That's why the photos and his calls have stopped?"

"Yes sire, that is what I tried to explain to you. I'm unfamiliar with where he lives, so finding him would prove to be impossible."

"For you maybe, I know where he lives. I'm going out, it's time to pay Blitzy a surprise visit." Without another word, he grabbed his hat and went out the door.

"Oh father, I was looking for you. Could you help me with--?"

"Not now darling, daddy is busy." He brushed pass her, much to her concern.

"Oh, alright then...Boxley what's going on, where is he going?"

"He's going to try and confront Master Blitzø. Which reminds me, are you ready to depart milady? They must be fully packed by now."

"I am, but we have to let him leave first. He can't catch us leaving together."

"And we have to be quick with the drive as well, hopefully we won't hit the evening traffic."

"By the way Boxley, if Stella asks...Oh, am I interrupting something?"

"N-No sire, milady was only asking if...if I..."

"If he could take me to the library. I got a message from Charlie saying she wanted to meet up, it's been a while since I've seen her. So...can't I go father, please?"

"Well...I don't see why not. Do say hello to Charlotte for me as well, and no boys."

"Of course father, I will be sure to text you when we're on our way back." With that, she left him with a relieved sigh.

"That was close, I was almost afraid he wouldn't believe your library story. Seeing as to how you have a private library..."

"Ugh, please don't patronize me Boxley. I panicked, it was the first thing I could think of. For now please focus on getting me to their apartment as quick as possible. We have to hurry so he doesn't see where we're going." As they made their way to you and Blitzø, Stolas was well on his way to his former home. Currently, Loona was in the middle of her usual pass time of watching TV and texting. Just as she was about to go to the kitchen, a knock at the door caught her attention.

"And who could that be? ...Blitzø, he must've left something behind for the 100th time. Look Blitzø, we both agreed you would call before..." Her words were halted from shock, surprised to see the prince at the door instead "S-Stol...I-I mean your highness, this is a surprise--"

"Spare me your stuttering Loona, I'm looking for your guardian. Blitzø, where are you, we need to talk!" he called out for the imp, pushing passed her.

"Um...h-he's not home right now. He just stepped out."

"I doubt that, I saw his car in the garage before coming up here. There's no need to hide Blitzø, I know you're still here!"

"Hello, that's why they're called cabs. His car has been having some issues recently, it's been sitting for a while. Like I said he stepped out, said something about helping a friend move. He could be gone all day for all I know." she insisted, but whimpered as he sat at the kitchen table.

"Fine then, I have nothing else to do today. I'll stay and wait for him then, would you mind making me some tea please?" he asked, intimidating her with his gaze.

"Sure, I'll see what we have..." As she filled the kettle with a shaking hand, several questions were racing through her mind. The most important one being how she would get him to leave 'OK Loona, just calm down, for all you know he can smell fear. He doesn't suspect anything...at least not yet. I need to get him out of here, what if Blitzø comes back to get something? What does this creep have planned for him, why is he even here anyway?! No no, keep it cool Loona, keep it cool and think! How can I get him out of here?' she bit her lip, struggling to come up with an idea "Alright, while I've got the water going, I've got to call a friend of mine back. Give me 2 minutes?"

Blitzø x Male Reader: Secret SinWhere stories live. Discover now