Epilogue: Back In Business!/Realization...

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“Alright gang, we’ve got a lot of work to get done! After we get the new office organized and set, we can get down to the good stuff.”

“And by ‘good stuff’ you mean shooting people?” Loona asked, taking the box from her father’s arms.

“Pretty much Loonie, now let’s get unpacking! I can’t wait to set up my new private office, I got a new desk and everything.” Blitzø squealed, his tail wagging excitedly.

“One thing at a time babe, we need to have the waiting area set up first. We’re going to tackle this one room at a time as we planned.” you argued as he let out an annoyed sigh.

“I love you (Y/N), but I’d love you even more if you don't lecture me like Moxxie does.”

“I heard that sir!” Moxxie yelled from the other room “By the way, Millie and I are nearly done setting up the new break room. We have a lot more space than I thought.”

“You say it like it’s a bad thing sweetie. At least we can store more snacks, and it’s even better since we recently hired some new people. Weren’t they supposed to stop by to help?” Millie asked as she continued to stock the cabinets.

“Yeah, they were, and they’re already half an hour late. Where the hell are these friends of yours (Y/N)? We’ve got shit to do.” Blitzø checked the clock for what felt like the 10th time.

“Take it easy Blitzø, they’ll be here soon. They had to get away from their clingy as f*ck mom first.” Loona commented.

“Oh greeeeeat, I’ve got some bozos still living with their mother working for me now?”

“Trust me babe, these guys aren’t ‘bozos’. Not only do they get shit done, but they’re one hell of a team. Not like I should expect less from brothers.”


Si, that’s not a problem, is it señor?” Blitzø turned to the new voice. His jaw suddenly went agape as he saw two incubi at the door.

“Uhh, babe? You didn’t mention that they were--”

“Incubi?” you chuckled as you closed his jaw “Blitzø, everyone, I’d like you to meet Miguel and Diego Reyes. I actually met them while I was at the hospital. They’re going to be working with us for a while--”

“How in Satan’s name did you get 2 models to work with us?!” Loona asked “I-I don’t mean to yell but…You DO know who they are, right?”

“I did just say their names, didn’t I?” you retorted sarcastically.

“Very funny asshole. What I meant was how did you arrange this?”

“And if you don’t mind me asking, what were you boys doing at the hospital?” Millie asked.

“Miguel got himself hurt during a rather hectic visit up to Earth. When he called me I swear I could feel my heart sinking. He sounded so weak, so scared…” Diego sighed as he felt his brother’s hand rest on his shoulder.

“And I’m glad you were able to find me hermano, that was a scary night for us both. And when our mother saw me, ay Dios, she went loco when she saw my injuries.”

Blitzø x Male Reader: Secret SinWhere stories live. Discover now