Chapter 1: Putting It Off

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It was early, too early for you to even think. So early you weren't even sure if the sun was out yet. Nonetheless, you groaned to the sound of your blaring alarm clock. You tiredly reached to hit the snooze button, only to feel another hand help guide you.

"Can't even hit the snooze button in the morning? Wow, you are so uncoordinated (Y/N)." Blitzø teased as he kissed your cheek. You moaned softly as his hands slowly traveled up your chest, his claws gently grazing your skin.

"Shut up Blitzø, I don't need to know how to shut off a clock to fire a gun. I gotta get ready anyway, I have to help open the bar today. Huh...Whoa!" Try as you might to get up, your boyfriend laughed as he grabbed you at the waist, pulling you back onto the bed with him.

"Oh no no no, I'm your boss too (Y/N). And I say you're staying in bed with me today.~" he cooed, pinning you down with a kiss. You decided to humor him, submitting to his lips with a soft moan. You could feel his hands and tail interlock with yours.

"Come on babe, if I'm late again I'll never hear the end of it from my other boss. He's the one I'm the most afraid of, he's a total ass when he's pissed."

"So what, forget about that asshole. Did you forget you work for me? The way business has been booming lately, I can see a nice raise in your future.~"

"An actual pay rise or you?~" He giggled as you pulled him in for a kiss.

"Both if you keep kissing me like this.~" he purred, trying to pull down your briefs.

"Seriously Blitzø, can you please get off me? I need to get ready."

"Oh alright, fine. Leave it to me to date the best bartender in Hell. But what am I gonna do until you clock in I.M.P.? I don't wanna be alone all day." he playfully whined as you went to the bathroom.

"Man you're such a baby, you're acting like I'm going off to war or something. I'm sure you'll find something to do while I'm gone." As you shut the door, his phone lit up with a text. He groaned as it was a message from his royal admirer.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ 📱 ⋅.} ───── ⊰

Stolas: Good morning Blitzy. How is my favorite imp doing? 💕

Me: What is it? 🙄

Stolas: Aww so rude, is someone cranky this morning?

Me: That's not answering me dick. What do you want? 😠😠

Stolas: Straight to the point I see. You know what I want darling, Stella just left for Pentagram City. Who knows how long she will be gone. You know that that means don't you? 🍆👅

 You know that that means don't you? 🍆👅

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Stolas: Helloooo??

Blitzø x Male Reader: Secret SinWhere stories live. Discover now