Chapter 13: Not According To Plan/The Wedding

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"Alrighty, we got the reception all set up, the seating has been arranged..." Charlie walked down the hall, clipboard in hand as she mumbled to herself.

"Charlie! There you are, I've been looking for you all day. Please tell me you know what's going on with the flowers. We have the venue all set up and we still don't have any flowers!"

"It's OK Vaggie, I already talked to Alastor about it. He said his friend would be here soon with the arrangements."

"She better be, we've been waiting all day...Speaking of waiting, I'm sure our grooms have waited long enough. I can't believe it's already been a month since all of that drama."

"I know right? You have to admire (Y/N)'s persistence though, he didn't miss a day of physical therapy. All of that rescheduling just to make sure he can walk down the aisle without any help. I still say we should have a cane on standby just in case."

"I already have that covered hun. And there is one more thing--" Before the moth could finish, what sounded like a loud crash startled them "Please tell me that didn't come from the kitchen..."

"It did, and I'm hoping that wasn't the cake!" Vaggie chased after the princess as she sprinted towards the noise. Upon reaching the kitchen, they found a food covered Niffty trying to clean herself off with Angel's help "Oh Niffty, what happened in here?"

"We were trying to get the buffet set up..."

"And we both hit the door at the same time. I was able to save my trays with my arms, but poor Niffty here dropped the appetizers."

"And I just took them out the oven too..." the cyclops whimpered as she continued to scrub the stain on her dress.

"It's alright, it was an accident after all. You both go and get cleaned up, I'll have Razzle and Dazzle clean the kitchen. How is the buffet looking by the way?"

"Aside from that tray, it's just about done. And when should we start getting dressed? I got a new wig just for today and I haven't styled it yet."

"Later tonight Angel, around 8:30. And have you seen Husk today? I swear if he's sleeping somewhere..." the princes muttered, making the spider laugh.

"Nah, last I saw him he was outside. He and Lucca are gettin' the bar set up like ya said."

"Oh perfect, that's another thing off the list."

"Speaking of your list Charlie, there's something I have to talk to you about."

"Oh Charlie, we have a delivery for you!" Alastor called out with a singsong tone, making Vaggie growl in irritation.

"And that must be the flowers! Would you mind helping here while I go check on the arrangements?"

"Um, sure but...Charlie wait!" She sighed as her girlfriend took off, unable to hear her call.

"You good Vags, what's goin' on?"

"I've been trying to talk to her all morning. We might have a slight problem with the grooms attire for today."

"Aw shit, you're jokin' right? That Misa chick had a moth to get the suits done!"

"She does run several stores Angel, she probably got busy." Niffty commented "Please tell me she mentioned what time she's coming."

"No sadly, she sounded so frantic on the phone that I could hardly understand her. That and she speaks Japanese when she's stressed, so I literally couldn't understand her. Vaggie sighed as she rubbed her temples "I know she has a lot going on, but I'm mostly worried about the dress. She has (Y/N)'s suit finished, but all of her other projects took too much time away from finishing Blitzø's dress."

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