Chapter 1 The Letter!

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Hi welcome to chapter 1!

Y/N pov

"hey dad!" I scream as I come running down the stairs I jump the last few and sprint to the living room hoping to fine dad.


I huffed, he wasn't there, hmmm...
I run to the kitchen


Not there either, Ah ha! I know
I then run out of the kitchen and into the back garden dad is lying in a garden chair under the sun with a book in his hands.

I smirk, I then tiptoe quietly towards him hoping he doesn't hear me, tip toe, tip toe, tip-

" Rahhh!!!" I scream

Dad then screams and jumps up quickly as if he was burnt. I start laughing my head off

"Hahaha hahaha haha y-your f-face!!" I say between laughs as I fall go the floor, dad is blushing bright red he crossed his arms and pouted.

"do you need something Y/N or were you screaming for know reason, it isn't over shuri from blackpanther(sorry I just love shuri my poor gay heart🏳️‍🌈♥️) again is it" he asked, laughing as I blushed.

"N-No! No it isn't about her for once, but you got a letter from Dumbledore it looks important" I say quickly taking out the letter in my back pocket and giving it so him.

He looks at it and frowns I rub my neck, it was all crunched and wrinkly from my grip on it and it being in my pocket.

He then opens the letter, his face has no emotions before he raises an eyebrow and starts smiling.

"what what is it what does it say" I yell like a 5 year old jumping up and down.

"Dumbledore is inviting me to teach defence against the dark arts at Hogwarts Y/N!!" he said.

"Yesss whoooo go dad" we then laugh and do silly dances, "when do we leave" I ask

"we have to get there for the first of September so a week today" he says.

"oh shit!! I have to pack I don't have enough time aslo dad we need to go shopping!!" I scream

I then began to run back into the house dads laughter following me, I then get to my room, and start pulling out all my clothes and Pilling them iny suitcase with a Pride flag on.

I then start to grab random things like my gay/lesbian flag from my wall and put it carefully into my backpack.

I grab a Few other gay things from around my room, I came out to my dad when I was 10, he supports me all the way which I love about him.

He is also gay but hasn't had a boyfriend in over two years poor sod, but I still think he loves someone else perhaps an old friend.

I always see him staring at a picture of him a and boy with long black hair cut to his shoulders wearing a gryffindor tie like my dad.

He always smiles when he looks at it, I wonder who that boy is anyway back to me!

Hi I'm Y/N Lupin and this is my life at Hogwarts as a Lesbian!


Hoped you have liked this chapter sorry for it being short and yes there will be wolfstar because I love it and of course remus will be gay!

Word count : 570

Books & A Full Moon (Hermione X Femreader) Third YearNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ