Chapter 38 Padfoot

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Start of recap...

Ron stares at his hand. At the blood running down his finger. "He bit me..." he says shocked. His eyes shift. See Scabbers streaking away.

"Ron! No!" calls Hermione As Ron pelts after Scabbers, Harry and Hermione give chase with Y/N trailing behind them she flet like something was watching her.

Harry and Hermione reach the top of the ridge. Stop. "Harry. You do realize what tree this is." Says the genuis as her and Harry stop. Y/N stops beside the two.

She keeps a watch on the sky knowing it was a full moon night. Ron nabs Scabbers, cradles him in his bloody palm. "Now behave yourself."He says to the Rat. Ron is kneeling under the Whomping Willow.

"Oh no" mutters Y/N, knowing now dangerous the womping willow is.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

Ron then spins around and Looks toward Harry, Hermione and Y/N. "Harry! Run!" He yells worried for the three, Harry's eyes shift. Bounding toward him in the gathering gloom is an enormous jet black dog.

Y/n looks behind her and at the dog, she recognises it, its the dog she spoke to a couple days ago. But why is it attacking them. Harry, Hermione and Y/n all shields themself when the dog leaps over all three.

"Aaaahhh!" Yells Ron terrified, The dog's teeth flash and close on Ron's foot, dragging him towards the trunk like a rag doll. Instantly, Harry dashes forward, leaps out, and grabs
Ron's hands but he and Ron just keep skudding along the ground.

"I've got you" Yells Hermione as she pitches herself onto Harry's feet... and thethree of them go scudding along. Y/N then leaps into action and uses her enhanced Werewolf strength to help them she pulls on Hermiones legs and pulls hard.

She manages to move them back a little bit, but she wasn't strong enough. But it's no use. The dog is too powerful. Harry glances around desperately, then finds himself looking directly in Ron's eyes. He can read his mind.

So One by one, Ron releases his fingers from Harry's forearm. Sacrificing himself. "Nooooo!!!" He screams
But Ron closes his eyes, releases his hands fully, and Disappears.

Y/n flys back landing hard on rhe muddy ground as Ron legs go she manages to pull Harry and Hermione put of the hole. As they rise they peer into the hole. The Whomping Willow sweeps first Hermione, then Harry, into the air and drops them on their backsides.

The tree then goes for Y/N but she dodges all the branches trying to trip her up as she dodges Hermione hops over another branch looks briefly
pleased with herself only to find herself  in the air by a second branch. She looks down, sees Harry searching the ground for his glasses ans Y/N hopping over branches and not tripping over.

Harry squints up, sees a branch
screaming straight down for his head. He rolls away just as the branch pulverised the ground.

Hermiones still clinging on for dear
life, and Harry rises he's promptly knocked to the ground again. Hermione goes crashing through the high branches, Harry spies his glasses and grabs them.

As Y/N looks around she see Hermione hurdling straight for her, Hermione grabs Y/Ns shirt and the two go flying through the air on the branch.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The two scream loudly. The two boomerang back, hurtling toward the trunk of the tree, through the gap, and into
the darkness.

Harry pulls Hermione and Y/N up, somehow he got onto the trunk while the two where riding the branch. Paper peels from the walls. Stains suspiciously similar to dried blood blot the floorboards. Shattered furniture lies strewn everywhere.

"We're in the Shrieking Shack,
aren't we?" Asked Hermione, Y/N nods "yep we are welcome to were me and dad transform during a full moon" she said.

Harry stares at the dog prints in the dust
on the floor, The ceiling creaks, They dash to the stairs. "Feels a lot more creepy without Dad" mutters Y/N following behind Hermione.

They come out, look down. A wide, shiny stripe cuts through the floor as if something has been dragged to the end of the hallway, where a light seeps
from a door. "Creepy" Mumbles Y/N  grabbing Hermiones hand.

Slowly, they step to the door. Exchange a look. She nods, wand ready, and Harry kicks the door aside. Ron sits upon a sagging bed, clutching his bloody foot.

"Ron! You're okay" Yells Hermione making Y/N feel slightly jealous. "The dog! where's the dog" Asked Y/N almost Yelling. "It's a trap, Harry. He's the dog.
He's an Animagus..." said the red head.

"No your wring he's just a normal dog" said Y/N, Harry the taps her and points at the ground. She then follows the paw prints on the floor to a pair of filthy human feet, She looks up slowly at
the man standing in the shadows. Filthy, matted hair hangs to his shoulders. His skin like a corpse.

Y/n gasps in shock and quickly takes the picture out of her pocket and shows the man. "OI! is this you with my dad!" She demands showing him the picture. Sirius looks at her in surprise before he nods his head.

He studies Harry's and Y/Ns faces keenly. Harry draws his wand. While
Y/N stands away protecting Hermione from the man meant to be her father.

"If you want to kill Y/N and Harry, you'll have to kill us, too!" Yells Hermione pointing her wand at the man. Sirius looks at her before locking eyes with Y/N. "No Only one will die tonight." He said smiling grimly.

"Then it'll be you!" Yells Harry and Y/N both pointing their wands at him.Just then, footsteps sound. Black wheels toward the door, edgy.

Harry eyes Black, wand hand shaking
violently. As Black turns back, he stops, regards Harry and Y/N cautiously. "Going to kill me, Harry?" He asks his Godson. Harry just glares, "you two Y/N your own Dad" he asks the Werewolf.

Y/n glares at him heartedly. "You are not my Dad! my dad is Remus Lupin not some criminal" she yells angry tears form in her eyes, her arms shake violently like she wanted to punch him.

To be continued...

Whoooo! Sirius Black finally appear!

Word count: 1078

Books & A Full Moon (Hermione X Femreader) Third YearМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя