Chapter 28 : Secrets have risen

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Start of recap...

Under the invisibility cloak
Harry and Y/N both hurry on, trailing Fudge and McGonagall up a dark stairwell -being careful to not trip each other up -as Rosmerta leads them into a small back room.

As the door starts to close, Harry and
Y/N rush forward and the door slams in front if them "shit!" Curses Y/N quietly.

Inside the room...

The knob slowly turns, the door
opens and snow flutters off the sill of a half open window. McGonagall turns, frowning, and re-closes the door,
harder this time, then joins Fudge and Rosmerta.

Harry and Y/N stand of to the side listening to the Adults talk.

"Come on, let's hear it then" ~ Madam Rosmerta

End of recap...

Third person pov...

Y/N was nervous at what they where going to stay she couldn't wait any longer maybe this could give her the reason why she feel like she should know Black.

"Years ago, when Harry Potter's
parents were marked for death,
they went into hiding. Few knew
where they were. One who did was
Black. And he told you-know-who" said the Transfiguration Professor this surprised Y/N she hadn't been told this part of the story before and Harry was equally surprised.

Rosmerta had a grim expression on her face "I've heard this rot. It was all over The Daily Prophet back in the day. And I'll say now what I said then: Of all the boys I ran out of here,Black's the last who would've gone over to the dark she said" she obviously knew Sirius Black well enough that she knew he wouldn't betray them.

"Ha! Tell that to Peter Pettigrew!" Exclaimed Fudge as if he was on a debate team. "Peter Pettigrew?"Asked Madam Rosmerta she didn't remember a Peter Pettigrew.  "Little lump of a boy? Always tagging after Black" described Professor McGonagall.

"I remember him.What's he got to
do with it?" ~ Rosmerta

"After the Potters were killed,
Pettigrew went looking for Black.
And, unfortunately... found him." ~Professor McGonagall

Y/N and Harry gasp in shock 'he sounds horrible' thought Y/N.

Fudge spoke up form where when was pouring himself some fire whisky to drink, "Black was vicious. He didn't kill
Pettigrew. He destroyed him. A
finger. That's all that was left.
A finger" said the Minister

Harry and Y/N look at each other in shock "so he's crazy then" she whispers quietly to the Boy standing next to her Harry nods his head at her. Rosmerta looks to McGonagall. She nods grimly.

"Sirius Black may not have put his
hands to the Potters, but he's the
reason they're dead. And now he
wants to finish what he started." The two children in the room were very worried and pretty sure Black was crazy and insane from what the adults have said about the man.

McGonagall nods, then looks pained.
"But that's not the worst of it." She then continues with something different but this time about Y/N and why Black is after her.

"The reason he is here is for Y/N Lupin the Daughter of Remus Lupin his best friend" she said Fudge and Rosmerta where confused "why is Black after Mr Lupins Daughter Minerva" Asked the Pub owner thinking she won't like the answer.

McGonagall closes her eyes and speaks " because he is her Father" she said earning surprised gasps from man and woman and Also Y/N who Harry had to hold up from the shock her legs felt all wobbley.

"You mean he is her other Father and she is his biological daughter" said Rosmerta eyes wide with surprise McGonagall nodded "I thought those were rumours,I didn't think they were true" breathed the Minister.

" there is another thing Sirius Black was and remains to this day, Harry Potter's
godfather" said the Transfiguration Professor, at this Harry and Y/N made a quick exit to outside.

Y/N didn't know how to react to the news she just heard, but she knew she had to speak with her Dad.

To be continued...

Hope you like this chapter! The big secret is finally out after so long if keeping it secret!

Word count  : 706

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