Chapter 6 : To Hogwarts

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Wrote this chapter last night hope you like it

Start of recap...

The folds of the hood tremble. A chill,
Rattling breath of air is heard. The flames in Lupin's hands sputter.

A sound swells in Harry's ears. Eerie.
Painful. The sound of a woman screaming.

Harry's eyes
roll up, eyelids fluttering.
And then... a silvery white light drifts from his mouth.

The world spins off its axis and Harry falls... glasses tumbling hard to the ground... then Harry... the muscles
of his jaw twitching

End of recap...

Y/N pov...

I let out a shuddering breath as I open my eyes, I look around me Dad is looking for something in his pockets (chocolate) me and Mione are holding hand still

Harry is unconscious on the floor with Ron leaning over him making sure he is okay.

The Dementor has gone it did after Dad pulled out his wand and said a spell it left.

"You okay Mione" I ask softly. Mione flinches slightly but nods her head a tiny bit. I wrap my arm around her drawing her close.

She let's out a calming breath and practically melts against me.

looks like Dad found his chocolate he then handed us all a piece, Harry had finally woken up. I hate Dementors so bloody much.

Dad has just left to have a word with the driver for some reason but he will be back.

I then hand harry his glasses thay had fallen off when he fainted earlier.

Time skip...

We are now nearing Hogwarts I can't wait, but I'm more tired than excited after the whole ordeal on the train, I'd much rather sleep.

But first it's time for dinner in the Great Hall, once we walked into the hall, it took my breath away.

Dad was sitting at the large table with the rest of the professors in guessing, I then see Dumbledore for a second.

Before getting pulled along by Mione to sit with her harry and Ron. Soon everyone was quiet and Dumbledore begins speaking.

Dumbledore rises, beaming over the sea of black hats.

"Welcome! Welcome to another year
at Hogwarts! I have a few things
to say, before we become befuddled
by our excellent feast. I myself
am particularly looking forward to
the flaming kiwi cups, which,
while somewhat treacherous for
those of us with facial hair-" said dumbledore

Mcgonagall then clears her throat, interrupting him.

" -Mm. Yes. First, I'm pleased to
welcome Professor R.J. Lupin, who
has kindly consented to fill the
post of Defense Against the Dark
Arts. Good luck to you,
Professor." he said continuing

The students and teachers applauses him, Harry, Ron, Hermione and Me all clap loudly.

" Of course! That's why he knew to
give you the chocolate, Harry." said Hermione turning to harry

" As some of you may know, ProfessorKettleburn, our Care of Magical Creatures teacher for many years, has decided to retire in order to spend more time with his remaining limbs. Fortunately, I'm delighted to announce that his place will be filled by none other than our own Rubeus Hagrid!"

Harry, Ron, and Hermione stare at each other -- stunned -- then applaud vigorously.Hagrid turns ruby red, rises, and nearly topples the staff table, sending water goblets weaving.

" on another note we have a new student joining us please stand up" SAID dumbledore with that annoying sparkle in his eyes.

Oh shit, I thought with an encouraging look from dad I stood up from Gryffindor table with Hermione holding my hand for support.

"Yo! I'm Y/N lupin and yes my Dad is our NEW defence Teacher" I SAID simply and quickly sat back down.

With a grave voice all of dumbledores joking vanished.

"Finally, on a more disquieting
note, Hogwarts -- at the request
of the Ministry of Magic -- will,
until further notice, play host to
the Dementors of Azkaban."
He said

A murmur of apprehension fills the hall. At the Slytherin table, Draco Malfoy flanked by the ever-
present Crabbe and Goyle, catches Harry's eye, feigns a dead faint.

" The Dementors will be stationed at
the entrances to the grounds. While
they are under strict orders not to
enter the castle itself, you will on
occasion see them as you go about
your daily activities. Under no
circumstances are you to approach
them. It is not in the nature of
a Dementor to be forgiving"

To be continued...

So sorry for the delay of this chapter.

Word count : 743

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