chapter 25: The Shrieking Shack

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Welcome to chapter 25!

Third person pov...

Y/N rubs her gloved hands together as she Hermione and Ron stand in the courtyard waiting to go with everyone else to Hogsmeade.

"Bloody he'll its freezing, dad had the right idea to stay here" muttered Y/N seeing her breath in the cold, she had never seen so much snow before it snowed very little at her house in the countryside.

She can't wait to go home for Christmas, her and her dad love spending Christmas together, Y/N was thinking of asking Hermione if she wanted to stay for the Holidays with her but Decided to wait before asking.

As they leave Y/N looks back and waves good bye to Harry who she sees standing near the courtyard.

Soon thw three leave the school behind and arrive in Hogmeade this time nod leaving Ron alone.

Times kip...

A trap door  Harry's eyes appear. As he pulls himself up, a door bangs open. Dense chatter roars from above.Quickly, Harry hides, watches someone
descend the stairs.

A woman voice is hears from above. "A box of Jelly Slugs as well, Horace. We're nearly cleared out." She said
Horace grunts, begins moving boxes. Harry looks up to the cellar door, takes out the invisibility cloak.

The cellar doors eases open but no one appears. Honeydukes is swarming with
customers. Up ahead, Neville prepares to lick the lollipop  in his hand, when it simply floats from his fingers and out the door...

As the lollipop drifts on,footprints  appear in the snow  the MIST hangs in thick, undulating veils, the Shrieking Shack an eerie silhouette in the gloom.

Ron and Hermione stand stiffly, attempting, as best they can, to conceal the fact that, basically, they're scared stiff. While Y/N casually leans against the fence with her hands behind her head.

"It's meant to be the most haunted
building in Britain. Did Imention that?" Said Mione to Ron. Their conversation makes Y/N smirk.

"Twice." Said Ron, their fear of their building makes Y/N smile, wasn't scared about the Building as she goes their once a month.

Hermione then speaks to the group
"Should we move a bit closer?" She asks everyone. Ron is nervous "Huh? Oh... All right..."He says nervously. The three take a step before Y/N scares them.

"Boo!" She yells both Hermione and Rom scream in shock  while their reactions make Y/N laugh loudly as Hermione blushes and shakes Y/Ns arms playfully.

"Y/NNNNN! Why!" She wined while Ron was embarrassed at screaming. "Haha sorry I couldn't help myself" weezed Y/N holding her sides she fell to her knees in laughter.

Just then three figures appear over the
rise, phantoms in the mist. Malfoy. Crabbe. Goyle. Pike.

Seeing the three boys Y/N puts on a poker face and stares at them she was annoyed that they were here.

"Well, well. Look who's here. You
Three shopping for your dream home?
Seems a bit grand for you, Weasel-
Bee. Don't your family all sleep
in one room?" Said Malfoy snidely looking at the three Gryfindors with disgust.

Ron blushes and glares at Draco
"Shut your mouth, Malfoy." He says lpud enough for him to seem calm but he was angry.

Malfoy clicks his tongue at Ron.
"Now that's not very friendly.
Boys, I think we're going to have
to teach Weasel-Bee to respect his
superiors." Said the daddy's boy

Hermione gave a harsh chuckle "Hope you don't mean yourself." She said making Y/N laugh
Malfoy's eyes shift, regard Hermione and Y/N with disgust.

"Ugh filthy half breed your just lucky I don't hex you, only because your dad is our Professor. I mean you wouldn't guess he would with his state of his clothes" said Draco this made Y/N angry how dare he say such things about her Dad.

Seeing her Hands shaking Hermione grabs Y/Ns hand and held it in her own squeezing tightly.

To be continued...

Hope you liked this chapter!

Word count: 680

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