Chapter 27: Fudge in Hogsmeade

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Welcome to chapter 27! Almost at 30 chapters can't believe it!

Start of recap...

She then calls into the snow "Harry...? Harry?" She asked nervous, The Invisibility Cloak drops. Sure enough they see Harry Grinning.

Y/N pulls the boy down and gives him a nuggee messing up his spikey hair even more "that was brilliant Harry!"She exclaimed.

"Bloody hell, Harry! That was not
funny!" Said Ron his face was a pale white, y/n poked him with he jumped at while the girl laughed at him.

They all smile and laugh As he, Hermione ajd y/n pelt, Harry with snowballs all still laughing and smiling.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

The four Hogwarts students trudge through the snow, Harry had donned Hermione's scarf and Ron's hat to disguise himself as well as Y/Ns gloves to keep his hands warm.

Ron was annoyed at his older brothers "those weasels! Never told me about any Marauder's Map!" He said sounding like a child to Y/N who was still holding hands with Hermione.

When Harry saw he wiggled his eyebrows as Y/N who blushed at her and
Hermione's clasped hands.

Hermione speaks making Y/Nturn her attention to her crush "But Harry isn't going to keep it. He's going to turn it over to Professor McGonagall, aren't you?" She said making Y/Ns jaw dropped.

"You can't be serious Mione!"Exclaimed the Prankster herself, Hermione looks at Y/N but is interrupted by Ron

"Oh sure. Along with his
invisibility cloak, his pack of exploding snap cards, his-" said Ron dripping with sarcasm. Hermione glares at the red head "Oh, shut up".

They then hear Cornelius fudge up ahead "Rosmerta, m'dear!" He emerges from a ministry sleigh as Hagrid swings the door clear and rips it clean off the fittings. Fudge joins Professor McGonagall and Rosmerta outside The three broomsticks pub.

The four then continue to listen to what the adults were saying without being noticed. Fudge continues to speak to Madam Rosmerta "business is good?" He asked.

Madam Rosmerta scoffs at his words and shakes her finger at him menacingly  "It'd be a right sight better if the Ministry wasn't sending

Dementors into my pub every other
night" said the pub owner.

Fudge looks nervous before continuing strongly with what he wanted from her

"We have a killer on the loose" he said as if everyone didn't know it already.

Rosmerta is surprised and a little nervous talking about the escaped criminal "Sirius Black? In Hogsmeade! And what would bring him here?" She asked loudly drawing the attention of some people

Fudge whispers something in her ear which obviously surprises her to shout it out. "Harry Potter and Y/N Lupin!"She squawked before getting shhed but Fudge and Professor McGonagall.

Fudge looks around nervously, then jerks his head toward the pub. As he leads Rosmerta and Professir McGonagall inside.

Ron and Hermione look around for their friends. "Harry?" "Y/N " They both ask out loud but they are gone. Footprints like Y/Ns and Harry's track through the snow, into the pub.

Ron and Hermione ripple
briefly past a frosted window, then three shrunken heads swing in front of the 13 year olds scaring them and saying they aren’t aloud in.

Under the invisibility cloak
Harry and Y/N both hurry on, trailing Fudge and McGonagall up a dark stairwell -being careful to not trip each other up -as Rosmerta leads them into a small back room.

As the door starts to close, Harry and
Y/N rush forward and the door slams in front if them "shit!" Curses Y/N quietly.

Inside the room...

The knob slowly turns, the door
opens and snow flutters off the sill of a half open window. McGonagall turns, frowning, and re-closes the door,
harder this time, then joins Fudge and Rosmerta.

Harry and Y/N stand of to the side listening to the Adults talk.

"Come on, let's hear it then" ~ Madam Rosmerta

To be continued...

Oh no what would Black want with

Hope you liked this chapter!

Word count : 700

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