Chapter 18: Sirius Black Strikes!

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Woop! Chapter 18 already wow!

Start of recap...

"it's okay, you know I felt the same when I was your age and I'm sure Hermione felt like Sirius did when we liked each other" he said letting Y/N no apart of his past with Sirius.

"really" she sniffles Remus nodded and wiped a tear from her cheek.

Soon Y/N fell asleep the drama of the day getting to her and making her sleep.

"Good Night Cub I love you"

Was whispered into her ear, he pressed a kiss to her fore head and let the young tired girl sleep

End of recap...

Third person pov...

Later that afternoon...

Remus checks his wrist watch and sees its almost curfew so she gets out of his arm chair and walks over to the sofa where his Daughter sleeps.

He then gently nudges her shoulder and whispers "Cub, time you wake up its nearly time for you to do to your dorm, dinner has passed"

Y/N just groaned and buried her head into the sofa more, Remus sighs softly but has a Mischievous smile on his face.

He walked around to the back of the sofa reached down and pulled it up making Y/N tumble off in a heap on the floor.

"Oi! Dad that hurt" yelled Y/N standing up and shaking her fist at Remus who was busy laughing.

Y/N huffed and crossed her arms, Remus then walked behind her and wrapped his arms around her picking the 13 year old up into his arms giving her a big hug.

"sorry Cub, I love you" he said softly making Y/N stop crossing her arms.

"love you too Dad"

Y/N then left her Dad's quarters and walked to Gryffindor common room, where she met up with Hermione, Harry and Ron at the Bottom of the staircase.

"Hey guys" she greeted

"Y/N! where have you been?" askrd Hermione she was worried about Y/N.

"oh sorry Ive been sleeping in my Dad's sofa in his quarters" said the sheepish girl she didn't want to make her friends worried.

"that's fine just tell us next time" said Harry Ron nodded in agreement.

As Harry, Ron,Hermione and Y/N climb the stairs, they find a
crowd gathering on the Seventh Floor landing.

"woa waht happened?" Asked

"what's the hold-up? Only Neville
ever forgets the password" joked Ron

Percy pushed past everyone yelling
"Let me through, please. Excuse
me, thank you, I'm Head Boy..." he then stops dead in his tracks.

"Back! All of you! No one is to
enter this dormitory until it has
been fully searched!" he yelled getting everyones attention.

Harry, Ron, Hermione and Y/N all exchange dark glances, when...
Ginny emerges from the crowd, her face ashen.

"The Fat Lady... she's gone" said the second year

Ron made a face at his little sister
"Probably stuffing her face with
the apples in that still life on
the second floor again"

Ginny shook her head at him
"No. You don't understand"

Hermione Gasps and grabs
Y/N's arm, she looks and gasps as well.

The Fat Lady's portrait has been Slashed Viciously, great
strips of canvas hanging from the frame. Just then,
Dumbledore appears.

"Mr. Filch. Round up the ghosts.
Tell them to search every painting in the castle for the Fat Lady."yelled the Head Master making everyone silent again.

Just then, there is a Scream. The students dash to the
landing, where all The Paintings Whisper Fearfully.

Filch's rheumy eyes peer up, searching the upper shadows,
then... narrow.

" There'll be no need for
ghosts, Professor..."

Filch extends a crooked finger. High up, near the
ceiling, the Fat Lady cowers in a portrait not her own,trembling.

"the fat lady's there" said the caretaker making the students all rush up to see her.

Dumbledore follows behind and gets in front of eveyone.

"Dear lady. Who did this to you?" asked the Head Master.

"Eyes like the devil he's got. And
a soul as dark as his name. It
was him, Headmaster. The one they
talk about. He's here. Somewhere
in the castle. Sirius Black." the Fay lady finishes dramatically

As the students React, Dumbledore's Voice cuts through.

" Secure the castle, Mr. Filch. The
rest of you... to the Great Hall." he said

The Gryffindors listen to him, Y/N stays behind and looks at the door, who is Sirius Black to her and Why does she feel like she should know him?

( a big secret will be revealed at some point in the future)

The end!

Whooo! Chapter done hope you like this. A big Secret will be revealed at some point in the future.

Word count : 790

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