Chapter 22: Quidditch In The Rain & Dementors!

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Decided I would write the next couple of chapters today!

Start of recap...

Beaters crisscross his path. A Bludger Whizzes past, then a
second Rockets Directly At Him.

Harry ducks, watches the Bludger Shatter the Broom of a Hufflepuff Beater. The Beater goes into a wild spiral, vanishes in the mist.

From the Medical Wing Y/N and her Dad watch the match from the open window.

Remus had conjured a pair of becoculars for himself and Y/N.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

In the stands...

Ron squints upward, the players little more than Streaking Blurs from his vantage. A Stitch of
Lightning strikes the Tail of Angelina Johnson's broom.

With Y/N and Remus...

"oh no someone is on fire, and they are a Gryffindor" she mutters wishing she could be on the Quidditch team or watching the match with Hermione

(though she would probably be watching Hermione more than the match)

Remus sees the blush on his daughters face 'thinking about Hermione again' he thought smiling slightly.

With the Match...

As it Bursts into Flames, she Plummets to the pitch. Ron
looks down at his own Hand.
the Hair above his knuckles Rises.

In the sky, Harry flies fearlessly, searching for the Snitch as Bludgers pierce the clouds above him and Chasers flip In and Out Of View far below.

Suddenly, in the stands opposite, a Black Umbrella flies from the hand of a Ravenclaw Girl For a moment, it sails wondrously
through the heavy air, a Magritte dream.

Harry Ducks, turns, and watches it disappear into a bank of clouds.

Then something Glimmers, the Snitch. Instantly, Harry
jets off closing fast on the tiny, glimmering ball,chasing it through one cloud.

then another and another until he Breaks into a clear patch of sky.

only to find the Snitch is gone. Angrily, Harry whips the Nimbus back around, searching the horizon frantically, when he spies something.

Harry turns.

In the distance, the stray umbrella spins Into View, harpoons a player.

Harry's eyes shift. The
Snitch Shimmers in the dark underbelly of a cloud.

Harry begins to go when the veil of mist shrouding the high tower shifts and a Great Dog is revealed.

As this mist closes,Harry frowns, jets away.As Harry pelts after the Snitch, the crowd Rises to Their
Feet, Roaring. Ron Grins over the binoculars, watching Harry shred the mist as he urges his broom on.

"come on" yells Harry to his broom.

The trace of a smile forms on Harry's lips as he closes
on the Snitch only yards away. reaching out when.

a Thin layer of Ice clouds his Glasses (goggles?)

He wipes at
them, then finches. Blood trickles down his cheek. The rain is turning to needles. Needles of ice. Harry glances at the Handle of his Broomstick.

The water is Freezing, it streams from his mouth and nose.

When! A dark Silhouette passes on his right.
He turns.

A twin Silhouette passes on his left. Harry sees neither, Looks down. The layers of mist are
parting below.

Lightning Strikes and Reveals an Army Of Silhouettes drifting onto the pitch. A vast legion of

"Dementors" whispers Remus watching the match intensely so is Y/N "Dad" she mutters quietly.

"a-are those what I think they are" stutters Y/N

She was almost to shocked to say the word, reluctantly Remus nods.

A Woman's Scream.
Harry's eyes flutter, and wisps of Silvery White Light
float from his mouth. His glasses glaze over completely.
His fingers, rigid, can no longer grip the broom and...

He Falls.

From over the noise Hermione just manages to yell "No!!!"

Harry and broom tumble in opposite directions.

The Nimbus soars end over end, tossed by the currents,
then drops.

right into the Whomping Willow. Harry, in freefall, drops through one cloud, then another.

Plummeting through the circling Dementors.

Then Dumbledore rises from the crowd.

His hand held stretched out, spell on his tougue

"arresto momentum"

To be continued...

Hope you liked this chapter a little bit tense and more serious than the others!

Word count : 683

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