Chapter 16: Hogsmeade(really A Date With Hermione)

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Hey guys I'm back with another chapter hope you like it, I know it's been a while.

Start of recap...

The orb deflates like a punctured balloon, Whizzes crazily about the room, then darts back into the wardrobe.

The door Slams Shut and the Class Cheers.
"Well done, everyone. I think
that's enough excitement for today" said Professor Lupin.

As the students exit, chattering loudly, only Harry, subdued, remains behind. At the doorway, Lupin glances
back, exchanges a private glance with him.

As he exits,
the Wardrobe gives one last Rattle.
Y/N looks behind her and sees her Dad standing in the doorway before he Winks at her as she leaves.

End of recap...

Third person pov...

A great buzzing queue of Students. Third Years and older
each clutching a Permission Form, pass by a glowering Filch.

Professor Mcgonagall stand I nfront of them
"Remember! These visits to
Hogsmeade Village are a privilege.
Should your behavior reflect
poorly on the school in any way,
that privilege shall not be
extended again." she said gaining everyone's attention

Harry approaches her, but before he can utter a syllable.

"No permission form. No visiting
the Village. That's the rule,
Potter." said the Stern professor

Harry is persistent on going to Hogsmeade, Y/N stands with Ron and Hermione, she was thinking of asking her dad if he could sign harry's permission slip.

Y/N nodded Determined to ask him when she got back.

" Yes, Professor, but I thought if
you said I could go --" said Harry

Professor M interuppted the 13 year old. "But I don't say so. A parent or guardian must sign, and since I am neither, it would be inappropriate." she said

Y/N saw a flicker of pity in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Potter. But that's my
final word." she said touching his shoulder

Ron,Hermione watch with Y/N standing next to them atHarry expectantly from
across the way, they see him turn, shake his head.

faces fall. Harry raises his hand in farewell. Watches
them go.


" come on mione!" yelled Y/N dragging Hermione to Hogsmeade, she needed to stock up on prank supply's and Hermione wanted to get some new books.

Y/N got her love of chocolate from her Dad so she always had a secret stack in her dorm under her bed.

Soon the two girls got to Zonkos Y/N ran in and looked around while still holding Hermiones hand not that Hermione minded course she likes Y/Ns never ending energy.

At some point the two girls ditched Ron when he was with Fred and George, but they didn't care they were having fun with just the two of them.

"okay! I've got the stuff I need!" exclaimed Y/N putting a pile of new prank stuff on the Deck so pay for them.

From her left Mione laughed quietly at Y/Ns obsession with pranking, Y/N blushed when she heard her laughing.

She puffed out her cheeks "mioneee don't laugh at meeee" she wined this made Hermione laugh even more and Y/N joined in after.

Soon they calmed down and walked out of zonkos arm in arm, they walked to Honey dukes Y/N was going to get some sweets for her Dad.

She soon picked all of his favourites, a Bag for Harry and finally something for herself.

Smiling she ran up to the register to pay for everything, when the person said how much they were she didn't have enough money.

"oh, Nevermind! I'll just won't get any" she said trying to seem like it didn't bother her, when really it did Hermione could see.

"come on Mione I'm finished time to find Ron" said Y/N cheerfully, Hermione nodded "okay, il ljudt go buy this" she said and Y/N gave her a thumbs up.

While Y/N waited outside Hermione secretly bought the sweets Y/N couldn't buy for her and something for herself, the person behind the register smiled at her.

"aren't you a good Girlfriend" said the old lady smiling while Hermione blushed bright red.

"i-iuh we arent dating!" she exclaimed loudly

The lady just laughed " don't lie to me dearie I can tell, the same happend with me and my wife" she said smiling.

Blushing Hermione walked quickly outside and pasted Y/N who ran to catch up to Hermione.


'she's not my Girlfriend'

'I don't like her do I?'



"Girlfriend" she mumbled a soft smile on her face at the word.

"what was that Mione" said Y/N breaking her train of thought,Hermiones head shot up, "nothing! I said nothing!" she yelled.

Y/N blinked owlishly and quickly ranafter Hermione who was wlakikg fast again.

"heyyy, wait for meeee!"

The end!

Hey guys i know it's been a while but here is a really Gay chapter I loved writing this one, I hope you liked reading it I will update as much as I can before going to College in two weeks!

Word count : 842

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