one; 2 years later

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one; 2 years later

one; 2 years later

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HOME 2020

SAFIYA MOLINA HAD now been dead for two years. Two birthdays, two Christmas dances, two Halloween's, and two more Valentines days.

She knew that, as she had been there for every single one. She had seen Julie cry every time since her death, seen her father console her and Carlos every night they couldn't sleep, and she had seen her mother die not even a year later.

And she had seen it all because of Julie.

The evening after Saf's funeral, Julie had disappeared to the studio in an effort to grieve alone. Seeing Carlos cry, her mom sob and her dad do everything in his power to keep it together was too much for the young girl.

Instead, she took to the piano, where pages upon pages of unfinished lyrics sat atop. One song stood out to her, the only one that they had managed to finish before Saf died.

They had stayed up for hours every night to come up with lyrics, to create a melody and put it all together. And once they had done that, they sang it all the time.

So that's what Julie did.

She begun playing their song, feeling the music in her veins and the lyrics in her heart. She was crying before she even began singing, but she didn't let that stop her.

She was alone, and no one could see her pain.

But she didn't realise the power behind her actions, and what it would lead to.

Saf, on the other hand, was stuck in a dark room in, what she thought, was limbo.

She was very much aware of her predicament, she was dead. She had seen her body in the car wreckage and understood what had happened. It wasn't easy, but it was better than not knowing.

As for the room, she had tried to find an exit countless times, walking the perimeter of it but coming up at dead ends. This, she had no idea why.

Was she being punished? Was this a judgement room? Was everything actually a simulation and crashing the car ended that? It didn't matter.

She was only there for what felt like a few minutes, before the room began to get brighter, a white light coming from all sides of her.

This is it. This is where I go to heaven or hell.

The light began to blind her, to the point where she had to cover her eyes. And then she began to fall. Something opened up beneath her and she began tumbling towards an abyss, a bright abyss.

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