twenty-four; the truth of unfinished business

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twenty-four; the truth of unfinished business

twenty-four; the truth of unfinished business

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This whole time, the bad feeling she had had when they first entered the Hollywood Ghost Club and met Caleb Covington, it was all called for. She had thought perhaps she was just being too sceptical of everything, but her gut was right.

Caleb Covington was a deadly man.

As Willie told them all of what had happened that night at the Hollywood Ghost Club, everything about the stamp, and what it does, all Saf could do was think about Julie.

For two years, she had been sitting in the shadows, gazing upon her family as they lived their lives through, not just one, but two deaths. Watching as Julie aged and became a wonderful young woman, spritely and full of happiness and spirit, despite holding such a heavy heart.

And, thanks to Luke, Alex and Reggie, Saf had finally been able to talk to her again, to sing with her and be the sister she never got the chance to be.

Only, now that was all being stolen from her, just like that fateful Valentine's night in two-thousand and eighteen.

All thanks to Caleb.

Willie leads them through the streets of Hollywood, lit by the hundreds of lights and twinkling signs above them. Saf trails behind Luke, her hands in her pockets, eyes glistening with fresh tears as she keeps her head low.

There were a million and one things she wished she could've done before something like this happened. She thought she had an eternity to be with Julie, until she went to heaven or something, and that she could find the right moment to tell her everything about that night.

To tell her the truth of what happened. That was something Saf had suppressed all this time, and only now did it gnaw at the back of her mind.

It was the pit in her stomach, an ache behind her eye, an itch she could never scratch.

It was the truth.

"All these jolts that we're feeling is because Caleb put his stamp on us?" Luke questions Willie, slowly bringing Saf back to the reality at hand.

All her thoughts about Julie and her death were beginning to recede back into the darkness of her mind, but she knew that with what little time she had left, she had to tell Julie the truth. And Luke.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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