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(You guys asked for the link to this fanfic's playlist so here it is: 
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-(3rd Person POV)-

"So no new developments?" Asked Midnight with a gloomy face. The rest of the people seated around the table shook their heads. "...wow.... and it's been over three months too..."

"Should we proceed as if he were dead and announce it to the public. Stop the search?" The chief of police, Tsukauchi, asked. "It's what we do after such a long time. The case goes cold-"

Midnight snapped her head towards the male, anger and shock plastered on her face. "The hell is wrong with you?!? He-"

Gang Orca placed his hand on her shoulder reassuringly. "We're not giving up yet, Nemuri."

"YES. YES WE ARE! DID YOU NOT HEAR WHAT HE SAID??!" She sat up abruptly, pointing at the chief of police. "We can't just... just not look for him... he has a family! Friends! He was rooting to be a hero here!"

"She has a point." Aizawa sighed. He was leaning back on his chair, arms crossed over his chest. "We can't give up. If we do we'll actually leave him to die grotesquely, and if we leave him then the public will find out somehow and they'll kill us. It will all be chaos."

Tsukauchi sighed and leant forward. "I know. I was just saying we'll have to let the case go cold for a bit until we get a lead. All we know is that he was taken by the league. The analysis notebooks he had were taken and they have a lot of information on all heroes, giving them advantage over us in many ways, and I'm guessing the students as well. He was being tortured for information he wouldn't willingly give out."

The room grew silent.

"So we just wait for an opening." Nezu added from inside Aizawa's scarf. "It's all we can do for the time being."

"The League of Villains has been awfully inactive lately. It doesn't help us get young Midoriya back any sooner..." Gang Orca added. The heroes sitting around the table had a sudden gloomy attitude, a feeling of guilt coursing through them.

Tsukauchi changed the subject. "In other news," Everyone turned to face him. "A group of hikers went up a mountain in the Pussycat's forest reserve, since they also have camping sites there for people, and they found an unconscious villain from the fight."

Everyone was startled and started talking at the same time, almost in a state of panic.

"Calm down everyone!" He clapped a few times to get their attention. After they all calmed down a bit, he continued talking. "He wasn't there for too long. They found him a couple of days after the fight and the Pussycats turned him in immediately. He woke up only a few days ago from his coma-like state."

"What villain was this?" One of the heroes asked.

"A villain you may know as Muscular. He killed countless of people." The chief replied casually. A couple of gasps erupted from the heroes in surprise.

"Was it one of our students that took him down?" All Might asked.

"No. It looks like it was one of the villains. A young boy named Kota Izumi, I believe, said he was there and was with another boy. Kota is actually the son of the Water Hose team and was staying with his cousin, Mandalay."

"Oh the little brat. I saw him running over to me after the attack had begun." Aizawa pointed out. "He was scared shitless, spouting nonsense mostly."

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now