UA Sports Festival 3/3

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(Brace yourselves bitches. It's a long ass chapter and it's 'boutta get real dark 👀)

The first match was me against Shinsou.

We entered the arena simultaneously. Pro hero: Cementoss was the moderator of the event, so he'd be the one deciding which candidate wins and moves on to the next round. He explained how the fight should go and what to and not to do.

"READY!" He called out. The crowd went wild and cheered. "BEGIN!!!"

I knew the fight wasn't fair so I stood up straight from the previous fighting stance I'd held and walked over to the purple haired male.

"What are you doing Midoriya?!" He exclaimed in a bit of anger and confusion. "FIGHT ME!" He yelled.

"I've got a proposition." I said as I stepped closer. He rose his brow and looked at me, not moving from his own fighting stance. "I can't use my quirk considering the fact that there is no metal to bend here. You have the upper advantage. So? Let's fight! No quirks. Just us. Hand-to-hand." I rose my hand in front of me. "What do you say?" I asked.

He slumped back and hummed. "That... seems fair..." He reached his hand out and shook mine. "Deal."

"WOW!!" Said Midnight as she wriggled around. "Such sportsmanship! I love these young kids' heroic spirits!" Me and Shinsou sweatdropped.

"Ready?" I asked as I went back a few feet and took up a fighting stance. He did the same and nodded.

Without a word, I ran at a fast speed and pretended to go for his jaw with my fist when in reality I was going for his leg. He blocked my false attack but soon fell on his back when I swept my leg from behind him. He jumped back up to his feet and threw a few punches and kicks.

We went on like this for a while. Sometimes we'd reach a point near the bounds of the ring but somehow managed to evade it.

My arms and legs started to feel the adrenaline start to wear off, tiredness filling in the space; I noticed the same was happening to Shinsou. "Tired yet?" I wiped the sweat from my forehead with my arm.

"No." He smirked. "Are you?" I shook my head and lunged at him once more.

My arms and legs were bruised, I'm sure I sprained my right wrist. This whole fight was getting nowhere. I had to end this quick.

The purple haired male approached me and punched my stomach making me bend over slightly in pain. Groaning, I decided to the ultimate hit.

I kicked upwards as hard as I could where the sun doesn't shine.

He doubled over in pain and fell onto his knees. "Gotchu~" I taunted as I clutched my stomach. "Take that as payback for punching my stomach too hard."

He got up groggily but the exhaustion took the better of him, causing him to fall back down. I bent down, picking him up bridal style and bringing him out of bounds. "Sorry about beating you up... I'll treat you to lunch next time, okay?" I apologized. He gave me a weak smile and nodded.

"I might take you up on that then..." He spat out some blood.

"Uhhh....." Midnight looked around and waved her whip. "SHINSOU'S OUT! MIDORIYA! YOU ADVANCE TO ROUND TWO!!" The crowd clapped and cheered. He turned around full of disappointment in his loss as he made his way out of the stage. Some students from General Studies cheered for Shinsou and complimented him for the fight.

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt