A l o n e

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(HOLLY SHIT MY DUDES- WE HIT 100K+ READS! As a thank you, I'll work something out with moonbinsaroha and AdriannaOlson3 with the comic to make at least the first part come to life!!!)

I woke up feeling like usual. My eyes felt heavy as I laid on my bed, the covers of my bed were tangled-up in my legs which were sure to leave marks on them. I felt the need to get at least five more minutes of slumber, yet couldn't since I was in the need of going to school again. Groaning, I threw my legs off the already warm mattress, and got up quickly. Maybe a little too quickly as black dots started filling my vision before I collapsed backwards onto my bed once again.
"Iron... deficient..." I said weakly.
Somehow I managed the rest of the morning fine after the little collapsing disaster. My mom was still sleeping and I was running late, so I made some toast with jelly and ran out to school, avoiding death along the way.
After taking a means of transportation to school, I ran and barely made it to class in time as the bell had already rung. Chatter filled my ears as I entered 1-A, but what was worse wasn't the loud voices conversing, but the mood. The air felt dense as everyone looked still shaken up from what had happened a few days prior.
Sero leant to his side, facing me, and asked me what I thought on both what had happened and who our teacher was going to be now. I replied simply with a shrug and and honest question over the new nameless hero.
Sero's eyes widened and he shivered. "That guy? Definitely terrifying... Did you see how powerful his quirk was?! It's as if he knew everything about it! Every movement was so well calculated was so terrifying-"
"Yeah... You're right..." I replied.

Good feedback then.

He went back to his original seating position when Tokoyami started asking him questions as well.
I started to drift-off into deep thought, thinking if the plan I came up with, was still going right. I'm never really wrong, but when I am, it's very frustrating.
I didn't really notice someone enter through our class doors until a bunch of loud gasps erupted from my classmates. Looking up, I see the extremely-bandaged underground hero, and teacher, Eraserhead.
Sniffles and tears erupted from excitement and worry by the class over this man's abrupt recovery-ish.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Mineta yelled as actual fountains of tears from his fear caused over his weird looking mummy-teacher. I, on the other hand, was actually intrigued on how this man was doing, considering the grand beating he took from our Nomu.
Students didn't move from their seats as they were too afraid to go near him or even breathe near him as he was in such a fragile state.
Class went on as usual and I just ignored the rest of the day, hell- I don't even recall what happened after Aizawa-sensei walked in other than people freaking out and then something-something UA Sports Festival that I have to report to the League.
I walked around after school, slumping and gripping on my backpack's straps. I had no idea what was happening to me, but I felt as if my body was being manipulated into moving on it's own. I didn't notice someone following close behind, acting a bit observing. I was snapped out of my trance when I heard a sharp snap! from my right ear. My entire body shuddered in shock.
"Are you okay Midorya?" Todoroki asked from behind.
I shrieked as I realized he was following me. "T-T-Todoroki-Kun!!! Y-You scared the living everything out of me!!" I placed my hand over my fast-paced heart and sighed out of relief when I processed completely that it was him.
He leant slightly to the left and looked at me, almost scanning me for anything out of the ordinary.
"W-What?" I asked, still in shock.
"Nothing. You're just weird today." He replied, placing both his hands into the pockets of his school-pants. "You heading home?"
I nodded and smiled at him.
"Oh, okay. I'll walk with you then."
"You usually do that anyways." I stated the obvious, rolling my eyes.
"I know."
We walked to the train station, took the train, and then walked our own separate paths home.
The walk was calming to me, until a violet whirlpool of fog popped up out of nowhere. A hand stuck out of it first before a body came through. I stood in shock once again and just stared at Kurogiri's activated quirk as well as Shigaraki.
"Hello Midoryia." He greeted and Kurogiri's portal vanished.
I greeted him with a slight bow. "Shigaraki."
"Anything new to report?"
"Actually yes, I was going to go sometime during the night to inform you of it." I replied.
"And what may that information be?" He crossed his arms over his chest.
"The UA Sports Festival is occurring soon."
"Isn't it a little early for it though?" He questioned.
"Yes, just as I had suspected it would happen. The school would panic after the the USJ event, and would try to please the citizens by putting out an earlier show. It would distract them from what's going on behind the scenes." I explained.
"So you had them all figured out, heh?" He chuckled. "Interesting."
I smirked. "I'm a little brighter than I look sometimes. I'm guessing all of my intel I picked up all these years about everyone really payed off, huh?"
"Indeed. I'm glad we have you on our team Izuku." He pressed a button on his watch that was hidden under his hoodie's dark sleeve. He gave me a big grin before dark-purple fog engulfed him out of thin air.
"Thanks for having me." I clutched to the backpack's staps once again and looked up at the, now more orange, sky before I started walking back to my home.


Once home, I changed to more casual clothes. I lay on my bed with too much time on my hands. "Boring." I stated to no one in particular.
I sighed and looked up at the ceiling, thinking about all the things that have passed in such a short amount of time.
The open window let the sound of cicadas and birds singing into my room, giving me a relaxed feeling.
"This is nice..." A break from everything even if it's just for a second. There's no one but me and nature. No league of villains. No UA Highschool. No All Might. No espionage. No worries. No crazy nor sane people.

Just me.

And that was completely fine.
I liked to feel acknowledged by others; a sense of approval if you will, a hatred towards loneliness. Now, I feel like there's too much going on around me. The world is going twice as fast as it used to, and I can barely keep up. It's a small price I have to pay in my position, though.
A gift from the universe, to me.
More like a punishment...
I placed my right arm over my eyes and took a deep breath, listing all the main events that had happened since I graduated middle school in my head.

-I met All Might.
-I got rejected by the number one pro hero.
-I almost ended my life and got saved by All Might due to pity.
-I decided to find a way to kill All Might.
-I got my soulmate mark.
-Beat a hero up wearing an embarrassing bunny mask.
-I fell off a building and got hospitalized, where I met Shigaraki. (That crazy bastard)
-I somehow awoke my dormant quirk and was gifted with another one by the league.
-Joined the League.
-Met Todoroki-Kun
-Saved Todoroki-Kun from a falling helicopter.
-Got into UA, top hero course (Class 1A)
-Made a plan to end All Might and lower the rates of hero courses.
-Made a plan to attack All Might during a class event, endangering my friend and everyone else as well.
-I was introduced to Japan as a new powerful villain due to the USJ attack.

Those were the bigger ones, the rest I paid no mind to.
I thought about the list and suddenly got the urge to look at my soulmate mark.
I got up lazily, taking my shirt off and looked in the mirror.
The same flowers were there. I had forgotten almost all about the mark.
I had decided that this person wouldn't love me, so I quit being excited over them. I had no idea why but I just wanted to at least meet them.
A terrible feeling overwhelmed me as I realized that I had left this person without a lover for life. I was never going to be good enough.
I sat on the floor and touched the spot where the mark was at and smiled slightly. Great comfort and tranquility flooded my body once again.

I decided that I didn't want to be alone for today anymore.
I wanted to meet my soulmate and try to be the best significant-other to them as I possibly could.

Even if it meant never telling them who I really am.

A villain.


Was this story partially me venting...?
The world may never know~
Sorry for the short chapter! 😅

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now