"Lord Of The Flies"

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A few hours had gone by and it was now lunch.

Todoroki helped me out with getting to each class, from time-to-time introducing me to his classmates. It took me a bit but I managed to remember who everyone was and what their quirk was.

People here were quite interesting in their own way.

I passed many classrooms trying to memorize my route to class 1-A as to not pester Todoroki every time I went out of the classroom.
Our teacher, who's name I soon found out to be Shota Aizawa wasn't half bad. He was very lazy from the entire time I was in his classroom and the students took advantage of the fact that he slept in class rather than the other way around.

I know teachers are always busy at night with grading things and their own personal lives but dang, to sleep during class was a bit extreme. Someone should buy this man a better mattress and pillow.

As I arrived at the cafeteria, the first thing anyone would notice was the enormous lunch line. It was full of students, making the large room feel crowded and small. There were barely, if any, seats available or groups of people I'd like to sit near in that matter, although some classmates offered for me to sit with them, but it felt awkward so I politely declined their offer.

I wished for this half hour to be over as quick as possible so I can get on with the plan. This place would've been a dream come true for me a few months ago, but being in it now only brings a sick feeling to my stomach. I felt like I didn't belong whatsoever.

I felt like a wolf trying to be a sheep.

Shigaraki had no clue what kind of hell this plan could imply for me. I really did wish he entered too, mostly because I felt sort of nervous and out-of-place. Yes, Shigaraki can be sort of a shady dick but he's quite smart.

After some time, I was finally able to get my lunch. Grabbing a red plastic tray and some water, I walked up towards the person I recognized to be Lunch Rush. They wore a grey shirt under a black apron with visible grease and food stains on it. They smiled gently before offering soba or a sandwich as it was all that was left. I accepted the soba with a smile as she served me some.

"Thank you so much!" I bowed.

"It'll be seven-hundred Yen." They said with a small smile. I nodded, giving them the money before thanking them again and moving on with life.

I looked around, noting no empty seating areas. With a sigh, I walked out of the area, creeping over to the stairwell at the side of the building I noticed not long ago. Thinking it was a quiet and empty area, I made my way there. Once I reached it, I snuck in, trying not to get caught by the school staff as I didn't know if I could get in trouble for it.

With a relieved sigh, I looked up, almost falling back in shock when I spotted a purple haired boy I hadn't met before.

He looked up from a book he was holding, a sandwich in his mouth as he took a large bite out of it. "I-I'm sorry!! I didn't see you there! I'll go— sorry for the intrusion again!" I bowed awkwardly before trying to sneak out.

"It's fine. It's not as if I own the staircase." His voice echoed out in the empty area, sounding as if he rolled his eyes.

He put the book down next to him, staring at my form below him. "You can eat here. I know the lunch room can be..." He paused in thought, looking for the right word. "Busy."

"Tell me about it... the lunch line is a pain as well." I complained.

"Definitely." He spoke in a voice similar to Todoroki's; very blunt and stoic.

The boy pulled his book back up again, starting to read where he'd left off previously. Upon taking a closer look, I noticed he was reading 'Lord Of The Flies'. His dark and bloodshot eyes scanning each page, taking-in every word of the book.

Taking-in a breath of air, I mustered up every ounce of courage I had, making my way up the stairs and taking a seat near him. "That's a good book." I commented.

The comment seemed to peak his interest. "Really? You've read 'Lord of The Flies' before?" He asked peeling his eyes away from the page.

"Yeah! It's a bit rushed at the end as if the author was trying to end the book quickly, though." I added.

"Huh..." He looked at the book, tilting his head slightly before placing his bookmark in the page. "I'm Hitoshi." He introduced himself, extending a hand out for me to take.

"Midoriya." I did the same, taking his hand in mine and gripping it with a smile.

"When did you read the book?" Hitoshi asked with a curious look in his face. "And what's your favorite character?"

I paused. "I think I read it about a year-and-a-half ago." I shrugged. "My favorite character is Simon because he's got a kind heart and is always helping everyone even if he does all the work and the rest don't. I find him more responsible than Ralph by a lot." I chuckled. "Yet he's tied with Jack, because he's pretty badass and brave. Also because he can hit a high C." I joked.

He grinned slightly, now breaking the stoic and serious expression he held before as we kept talking.

"How about you?" I asked.

The lilac-haired teen hummed, taking a quick bite of his lunch. "Jack, because of pretty much what you said, but also Sam'nErik. They're overly exaggerated but also stick together no matter what. It adds satire in a way."


He gave me a smug look. "Yeah."

We spent the rest of the time talking about the characters, the movies, who we would take to survive in an island, what we would take to survive in an island, and other things when we were suddenly, and rudely, interrupted by the bell.

"Dam!..." I started to get up, grabbing all my things. "See you tomorrow back here?" I asked.

"Sure." He said cooly.

"Ah! Before you go...!" I took out my cellphone and asked if we could exchange numbers. He nodded as we took eachother's phones and placed our designated contacts in eachother's contact lists.

"This one better not be a fake one." He said with a grin.

"Sucks to your cellphone." I stuck my tongue out at the teen before exiting the room with a smile.

Lunch wasn't so bad after all.


Sorry, I had no new ideas! ":)
(This chapter is more of like a filler tbh)

LOTF is one of my favorite books so check it out! You won't regret it! And if you did read it, who's your favorite character and why?

I've been going to summer school for bridge classes to help me next year in highschool and it's killing me bc it's all we'd done in 8th grade (ugh).

So sorry about not publishing much.
Also! Thank you so much for reading! I have found out yesterday that I was nominated for the #thewattys2019 and I'm so excited!!! Thank you for letting me get this far!

Peace out m8s ✌️


Future me:

Have a great rest of your day :)

☁️🌙 [Status: Edited Apr. 11, 2021]🌙☁️

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now