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(HAPPY LATE MOTHERFREAKING BIRTHDAY DEKU!!! Beware! This is the longest chapter in this entire book ever (no joke) and also read the bold at the bottom! It's important)

It was really early in the morning, more than I'm even used to waking up at, I decided to go for a run before school started. A run to the hideout of course.
I was there to review the plan I came up with yesterday, just in case they all didn't recall something or in case they might want to spontaneously add something to the plan. Plan B wasn't really an option last night, but if it came to it I was ready to share my ideas now that I've thought them throughly.
I jogged a little quicker, speeding up my pace and making myself a bit more tired. I passed trees, homes, a park, a few vehicles, some streets, a small lake, buildings that reached the sky, and other common things you'd see outside as I jogged.
I like to take note of things around me, it makes me feel aware of my surroundings and that's a good thing since it could be something useful later on.
I approached my desired location and finally slowed down my pace to a walk. I entered the bar and took a seat in front of Kurogiri who was serving himself some coffee.
I hadn't known him as long as I've known Shigaraki, but he seems more educated and composed than the rest of the league from the times I've visited so far. I was quite intrigued by his quirk as well, it was really cool. I was also wondering why on Earth he was a villain. Maybe I'd ask later on when I get the chance.
I smiled, waved, and attempted to start a conversation with him not long after.
"Good morning."
He took a sip of his coffee and replied, "Same to you. Are you excited to put your plan to work?"
"I'm a bit nervous, but other than than I'm quite excited to make this thing work actually."
"I see... maybe don't think about the plan as much so you don't begin to have second thoughts or panic." He advised calmly.
"Y-You're r-right." I said a bit shakily, not expecting him to answer to what I had stated about how I was feeling.
He nodded and finished his drink, then proceeded to take out a towel from his small black apron tied around his waist.
"D-Do you know whaere Shigaraki is at right now? I have to leave and go home to then get ready to go to UA in a few minutes." I asked.
He looked back and at me since he was washing his cup. "He should be in his room." He thought for a second. "I'll buzz him to let him know you're here." He put down his cup and towel and seemed to have pressed a button under the bar's wood and marble table.
"Thank you." I bowed my head a bit.
"Oh that reminds me-" he walked away, and went behind a door about a meter away from where we were. I was a bit confused as to what he was doing until he cane back with a transparent plastic bag that had something inside of it.
'N-No way...!' I got very excited as I realized what it was inside the bag.
"For you." He extended his hands holding the package towards me.
"T-Thank you so much!" I thanked him excitedly, ripping off the plastic from around it.
My suit was finished.
It was a one-pieced black suit made of flexible and stretchy fabric along with some very small green designs on the sides of it in random spots. The green designs had a dark red outline around it. It also had a red leather belt that had a gun holster (which included the gun, but wasn't full). I had no use for it at the moment, but I guess I could use it in a more appropriate and useful situation which could be life or death.

 I had no use for it at the moment, but I guess I could use it in a more appropriate and useful situation which could be life or death

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Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now