Teal Eyes

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(Happy birthday to me :) [July 21st, 2020])

I held her tightly in my arms as both of us cried.

"I'm...I'm here mom...! It's gonna be okay! It's all over." I said.

The dual-color eye male stood off to the side with a ghost of a smile plastered on his face and both of his arms crossed over his chest.

After a minute of my mom and I hugging, we let go and she turned her gaze over to my friend. She gave him a smile and a nod causing him to slowly approach us.

"How are you feeling Mrs. Midoriya?" He asked.

She looked down at her hands and then back up at him again. "I'm not quite sure to be frank..."

"Anything you need, feel free to ask." He courtly bowed his head and stepped back.

I looked at him and smiled. "Thank you Shoto..." He replied with his usual ghostly smiles and another nod.

My mom covers her mouth and gasps in shock before bombarding us with questions, which actually threw me and Shoto slightly off guard.

"I heard what happened! How are you both right now?! Did he hurt you in any way?! Did you stay somewhere else while this whole thing was going down? Did you stay at Todoroki's?! A safe place?! Tell me everything was okay!"

I looked back at Shoto who was looking back at me with a face that read: 'What do I say?'

Sadly I had no idea where to start either but I told her everything; including how me and Shoto stayed together and watched at least one movie every night (including Disney movies because why not). Turns out his two favorites were 'Cars' and 'Little Mermaid'.

We talked and laughed until an officer walked into the room to tell us they still had some questions left for her and that visiting hours were over for the day. I kissed her forehead and hugged her quickly before leaving for the door where the officers were standing. "Bye mom... I love you! I'll come see you early tomorrow!"

"I love you too Izu!" She smiled and waved.
Shoto approached her bed and bowed, to which my mom rolled her eyes and engulfed him in a hug. "No need for formalities with me, feel free to call me Inko!" She pulled him down and whispered sometingo his ear which made him smile and blush very slightly. He made his way to me and waved at my mom goodbye.

When we were outside, I stopped him and looked him dead in the eyes. "What did she tell you?"

"To take care of you and not let anything happen to you." He said in his monotone voice.

I hummed and kept walking.

"Wait! Midoryia!" He called out from behind me as we were nearing the exit. I turned to face him, and he looked like he was debating on telling me something or not.

"What is it Tod- Shoto?" I mentally slapped myself.

He fiddled with the hem of his shirt. "My mom...she's actually staying at this hospital and I wanted to know if I could maybe ask what room she's at since visiting hours are over and in all honesty I kind of want to see her again." He didn't look me in the eyes as he said this.

Villain with a Heart (Todoroki X Villain!Deku) Soulmate!AUWhere stories live. Discover now