chapter 16 - confession

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third pov (cont of chap 15)

jeongwoo came back from haruto's bathroom with a basin of lukewarm water and a towel he found from his closet, he also get some ice cubes for him to make cold compress to reduce his high temperature.

the japanese was already covered with comforter, he placed the basin on the bedside table as he sat down on the edge of his bed.

"when did your fever start haru?" he asked him as he dipped the towel with warm water to give him a sponge bath.

"sunday?" haruto responded.

jeongwoo huffed before he squeeze the water out of the towel and pressed it on his forehead.

"it's been two days? don't tell me you didn't take some meds or painkillers."

haruto stared at the korean releasing a short chortle, "what if i said that i didn't? what will you do?"

"I would say you are dumb as fck." jeongwoo replied as he continued to tapped the wet towel on his face, down to his neck.

haruto let out a soft laugh at the younger's sentence, then his lips formed a curve as he stared at jeongwoo's focused face.

'he's effortlessly handsome, even in every simple things he do.' the japanese thought while staring at jeongwoo for no one knows how long.

"tell me jeongwoo, why did you make an effort to bring me meds, wash my jacket and even prepare me a meal?" he questioned. "and now you're giving me a sponge bath."

the younger halted for seconds and dipped the towel again at the basin before speaking. "I felt bad and guilty at the same time when I saw you earlier looking weak, I think it's my fault that you're in this state right now."

"oh, so you pity me that's why you're doing all of this?" haruto asked again, his smile fade as jeongwoo stayed quiet for a moment.

"it's not like that..." he answered. "I'm just worried." jeongwoo continued.

"remember when you said you want to be my friend? you did that because you pitied me for being alone right?"

"what- no, i wouldn't do that." the korean said, his voice is laced with sadness upon hearing his assumption.

"and the flyer, the way you're talking to me casually, the switching numbers, and the time you said if I have problems I can reach you out, you did all that because of sympathy am I right?"

"haruto, no..." his eyebrows knitted, jeongwoo looks disappointed when haruto interpret his actions in that way.

"oh, I get it now," the japanese stopped jeongwoo's hand from pressing the towel against his skin. "you can go, I can handle myself."

the tanned korean felt a bunch of needles being pricked in his throbbing heart.

"are you mad?" he asked the older but he turned his back from him. jeongwoo heaved a long sigh. "look haruto, you're wrong, I didn't do all of that out of pity. "

"if it's not pity then what?" haruto asked as he sat on his bed properly, setting aside his dizziness.

jeongwoo didn't respond, instead he gaze on his eyes, doubting if he will said the truth.

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