chapter 28 - outing

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third pov

"Are you coming? The buses are already here, Hurry up!" Yedam impatiently asked on the other line, tapping his feet on the ground.

"Yeah, I'm on my way." Jeongwoo answered as he rush downstairs dragging his black suitcase behind.

Before summer vacation starts, the school held an outing open for all students who want to participate.

Picking a place wouldn't be a bother since Yoon Jaehyuk, the popular basketball team captain suggested a resort that is under his name.

"Jeongwoo! Here!" Yoshinori waved his hands high up in the air, trying to get the korean's attention and he successfully did.

Jeongwoo grinned as he skip through the crowd of students toward his friends.

"Yah Park Jeongwoo, you didn't inform me that you're already in relationship!" Mashiho whines as soon as the younger got closer to their direction.

"Damn right, I really thought we're friends." Yoshi added, crossing his arms on his chest.

"I was about to tell you guys, but that PAPERBELL journalists are acting like a dispatch or whatever." He answered.

"Glad, Yedam immediately made an action, our Damie is reliable." The petite commented.

"Speaking of Yedam, where is he? He called me to hurry up but instead he is the one who's late."

"He's not late, in fact he made himself early just to talk with that japanese." Jaehyuk responded out of nowhere.

Jeongwoo followed Jaehyuk's line of gaze until it reaches to the president and a familiar senior he met in the library long time ago.

"Isn't that Asahi?" He asks making the other nod on his question. "Does he like him?"

"I think so? He's been blabbering about him lately." Yoshi replied nonchalantly.

"But, you like Asahi, right Jae--"

The player cut his sentence answering fast. "No I don't, who's Asahi anyway?"

His eyebrow arched up in confusion and he slowly turn his head to Mashiho and Yoshi who are both mouthing the word 'rejected' quietly.

He nodded, realizing that maybe Jaehyuk is jealous upon noticing the player's bitter expression at the two casually talking to each other.

"You should go inside the bus Jeong, Haruto is already there." The small japanese told him pointing at a certain bus on the left side.

"How about you?"

"We're waiting for Jihoon's tardy ass, besides there are other bus coming on the way."

Jeongwoo chortles, "Okay, gonna go now."

As soon as he entered the bus, his eyes landed immediately on the japanese sitting on the farthest back of the vehicle leaning his head on the glass window, probably taking a nap like he usually do.

'he's so handsome, I'm crying! omg I can't believe he's mine, I going to faint.' he dramatically thought.

When he got near to the japanese, he notices a pink sticky note on the seat saying 'seat reserved for my park jeongwoo'.

He slowly took the note away as he settle himself beside Haruto who's occupied listening music on his earphones.

Instead of waking up Haruto in a sweet way, Jeongwoo nudge him abruptly causing for the other to yelp waking up from his dreamland.

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