chapter 12 - like

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third pov

jeongwoo and yedam went to their first class together, some of their classmates are already inside the room waiting for the lecturer.

some students are jamming to a song, some are busy talking and laughing with their friends, some are doing assignments in rush just like a usual day for second year college students.

his eyes wandered around the room to find the japanese presence but he's not there yet, jeongwoo is quite worried about him because he is never late in class.

ms. lee entered the classroom earlier than everyone expected with a laptop on her hands announcing their scores at the exam yesterday.

"bang yedam." the teacher called the president as he was the first on the list because of his surname. he told yedam to walk forward at her laptop to see his test scores.

yedam made a satisfied grin. he got a 100 of course, as expected from a goal-oriented straight A student.

however, the younger is nervous to know his scores but he is aware that he studied very hard for the exam even though his heart is thumping loudly as haruto hold his hand throughout their break time yesterday.

the door burst open revealing a tall japanese wearing his usual blank face. he didn't even greet the teacher nor glance at jeongwoo whose eyes are glued on haruto as soon as he got inside.

"park jeongwoo." the teacher called his name causing for him to stopped looking at the boy.

his eyes landed on his high mark, 98, not bad.

he went back to his chair, giving a side glance to the japanese who just stared blankly outside the windows with his headphones on.

"haruto seems to be silent on class today, right?" he asked yedam as they walk towards the cafeteria.

"that guy is always listen, it's rare for him to speak." yedam replied.

jeongwoo heaved a long sigh making the school president to stare at him.

"why? is your lover sad? you should cheer him up then."

"how?" he asked ignoring the word your lover to describe haruto.

"kiss him." yedam casually replied causing jeongwoo to smack his nape.

"Seriously yedam? we a-are not together, what the hell re you talking about?"

"oh, so you will kiss him if you two are a couple?" his eyes narrowed at the younger, jeongwoo looked away obviously blushing mess on his question.

"oh my god jeongwoo wants to kiss ha-" he chanted but the korean immediately covered his mouth.

some students are looking at them making him awkwardly smile as he pinched yedam's side waist.

"I really want to kill you right now." he groaned, looking yedam in irritation.

"it's just a joke, jeez." he laughed.

jeongwoo rolled his eyes at the older, the two sat in their usual spot in the cafeteria.

"Ah! okay, I have an idea." yedam blurted out raising his pointer finger as if a light bulb just magically appeared on his head. "Just confess to him, tell him that you like him, then it's a win-win situation to the both of you."

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