chapter 8 - kiss

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third pov

the brunette entered his room humming his favorite nursery song, he halted for a few seconds as his sight landed on the japanese sleeping form. he is wearing his airpods with his both arms crossed over his chest leaning on the chair.

"good morning!" he enthusiastically said to the latter putting his bag down to his seat. "you came earlier than me, are you done with your plates?"

haruto nodded closing his eyes because of tiredness.

"I finished mine last Saturday, how about you?" jeongwoo asked again waiting a reply from the older.

"yesterday, I pulled all nighter for that." he replied in his low voice.

the korean eyes wandered on haruto's project laying above his desk.

"oh, that's why you didn't text me back, I really thought I annoyed you." he pouted whilst murmuring under his breath.

"what?" haruto removed one of his airpod just to ask if jeongwoo is saying something to him.


the tanned korean grabbed his binder from his bag and morning books as he placed it on the top of his table.

haruto watched his every movement, his mouth moved calling the transferee attention. "jeongwoo..."

jeongwoo immediately looked at the latter who called his name. the taller paused, scanning the sun kissed korean pursing his lips with his eyes looking intently at his. he looks anticipative to hear haruto saying a word.

the japanese looked away, "I received your text early in the morning, I read it late."


haruto didn't reply to his text in fear that he will caught off guard again and might share his personal life to him, it took years to build his walls, he can't just let jeongwoo ruin it.

"Pft... It's okay, it's not like I waited for your reply." He laughed it off when clearly he was having a mental breakdown last night and overthinking about the unresponsive haruto.

seems like the two are flawlessly lying towards each other.

"upset?" haruto asked the younger.

"no! what are you saying? why the fck would I?" he laughed again but after noticing the japanese intent gaze, his laugh suddenly brushed off.

"languange, jeongwoo." he said. "I don't like you cursing."

he raised his brow to the japanese, "and why is that?"

"nevermind." he closed his eyes, wanting to sleep since it's still early but jeongwoo's endless chatter won't let him dive to his dreamland.

"are you saying that I'm too naive for that? That I'm a child? excuse me, I'm already second year college sir, we must normalize people cursing." haruto gave him a side eye laced with irritation upon his endless rants.

he raised his two fingers signing the younger to come closer.

the korean slowly faced him curiously, tilting his head whilst leaning towards to the taller. "why?" he whispered.

the japanese next move startled jeongwoo when his hand trailed to his necktie as he tugged it, pulling closer to him making the other froze at the small gap between them.

CURSED // hajeongwooWhere stories live. Discover now