chapter one - transferee

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third person's point of view

"move." he sternly said as a bunch of freshmen blocked his way to his locker, they quickly move out of the way while the other students ran.

he clicked his tongue looking annoyed when he found out the love letters inside his locker, the japanese grabbed his morning books and a handful of letters as he boldly throw them inside the trash bin.

the girls were stunned at his actions but he don't have the damn to care for their feelings. the japanese rolled his eyes before he wore his headphones that is already playing a music.

watanabe haruto also known as ruto is the son of the school dean, he has a pale complexion and dark long locks that covers his eyes.

the japanese entered inside his room the atmosphere inside began to grow quiet. Haruto rested his arms on the top of his desk along with his head as he closed his eyes.


"good morning class A-3, today a new student will join our class." ms. lee announced. "come in park jeongwoo and introduce yourself." 

the whole classroom beamed in excitement as the young boy stepped inside the said room.

"hi everyone! im park jeongwoo from iksan, nice to meet you all!" he cheerfully said and gave his classmates a warm smile.

girls began to chatter about how cute jeongwoo is but the korean seems to be embarrassed at their compliments.

"since you are new to the university, someone must tour you around." their lecturer suggested, the class began to raise their hand willingly to tour jeongwoo around but ms. lee has already decided.

"mr. bang?" the fox eyed korean raised his hand at the sudden call from his lecturer.

"can you take mr. park around the university? since you are the president." yedam gladly accept the offer as jeongwoo sat on an empty desk beside a sleeping guy with a headphones on.

it's lunch.

yedam went near to the new brunette boy who is currently zipping his bag.

"hi, im bang yedam, the school's president, nice to meet you jeongwoo-ssi."

jeongwoo slightly got startled when yedam spat out of nowhere, he smiled at the older and they made a handshake.

"hi, i- um... jeongwoo..." he awkwardly said.

"I already knew that." the president chuckled. "let's go to the cafeteria, I'll introduce you to my friends."

jeongwoo just let himself get dragged by yedam but he can't help himself to look back at desk where the sleeping boy is but he already left.

"so, jeongwoo, what makes you transfer here in Treasure University?" the older asked as they walked through the pathways.

"my parents have a business here in Seoul and I had no choice but to come with them." he answered.

"I heard iksan is a nice province, I want to go there someday, you must give me a tour too! just like what I'm doing right now." the tan skinned korean laughed at his statement.

"you're not giving me a tour, you're just dragging me." the older chuckled.

"before anything else we must eat first! the cafeteria serves a lot of delicious food."

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