Jimin spared the desk a fleeting glance before rushing to the broken glass. His eyes landed on a full syringe of unknown liquid, he scampered towards it and plucked it off of the ground. The sound of shoes clicking against the ground in front of the infirmary, was what made Jimin's heart skip in panic. He dashed towards the white bed and climbed onto it, he laid down and squeezed his eyes shut. Jimin hid the needle beneath his palm and washed away the emotion on his face- trying to portray himself as an unconscious body.

The door to the infirmary slipped open, allowing the silence to flood in and fill it to the brim. Jimin seemed to almost stop breathing as the door clicked shut, followed by footsteps approaching him. His raven lashes brushed against his cheeks and eyelids twitched, he listened to the footsteps briefly pausing and a small sigh emitting from the other person in the room.

"What a dumbass."

The familiar voice of Yoongi slit through Jimin's skin like the sharpest edge of a knife. The invisible cuts burned and ached with each puff of air Yoongi exhaled and each step he took towards Jimin. The mochi tried to slow his breathing and melt into the bed, yet when he felt Yoongi pause next to the bed and dig his eyes into his skin, Jimin felt like Yoongi knew that he was awake.

A delicate brush of a finger against the chub on his cheek, made Jimin almost flinch. His breath briefly faltered before returning to normal, he tried not to react at all to the feeling of Yoongi caressing his cheekbone.

"You're probably gonna be angry and confused when you wake up, scared too. But this..." Jimin heard Yoongi inhale a deep breath and shift around. The delicate touch to his cheek turned into the back of Yoongi's palm gliding along the side of Jimin's face, "...It's necessary. I know how much you hate me and I can't risk you bringing harm to my gang."

The bubble of anger inflated with each word Yoongi spoke, yet a part of Jimin wasn't angry because he understood him. Jimin would do this too if he was in Yoongi's place, he would do this in order to protect his gang. Underestimating Jimin and ignoring the resentment he had for Yoongi, would have been foolish. And Yoongi wasn't a fool, far from it, that's one of the reasons why they fit together so well.

Both of them were aware of the power and destruction they held over each other's heads, they knew that by being together, they'll create a storm of chaos that would wipe everything off the edge of earth- leaving behind nothing, but ashes.

The hand slid along his cheek before cupping it, the warmth radiated off of Yoongi's palm and Jimin's cheek greedily sucked it in. Jimin's fingers twitched around the syringe when Yoongi leaned down until his warm breath was brushing against Jimin's exposed forehead.

"I'm sorry for everything, Jimin, I truly am. I wish things would have been different so that we could be together....but I know it's impossible right now." Yoongi's lips touched Jimin's forehead and left behind a lingering kiss. Jimin's eyes fluttered and breath hitched, he didn't move for a few seconds until Yoongi was ready to pull back and release another whisper, "I promise to protect you and Taehyung with my life."

And with those parting words, Yoongi's hand slipped away and he straightened out. Yet Yoongi wasn't able to take a step away from Jimin, because as soon as the opportunity presented itself, Jimin lunged forward and stabbed the syringe into Yoongi's stomach.

Yoongi's eyes flung open in alarm and hands grasped onto Jimin's forearm, he stayed frozen- eyes piercing through Jimin's conflicted ones and lips parting to release a breath of shock. Ever so slowly, Yoongi dragged his eyes downward to peer at the needle pushed deep into his stomach.

XOXO | YOONMIN |Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz