I pick my poison and it's you

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   People could do a lot in two days

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   People could do a lot in two days. Perhaps get a new haircut, finish all their unfinished school work that was due a month ago, or perhaps even break out of a prison. Jimin, personally, felt like these two days were dragging especially slow. Nothing interesting was happening in the prison and the air seemed to be sprinkled with the dust of serenity. He hoped that a fight would break out, or Yoongi would show up and say that they needed to go do something for the breakout.

But nothing.

The prisoners were eating food calmly in the canteen- not a splatter or inch of food, from yesterday's food fight, visible. Jimin was impressed with how quickly everything was cleaned up, but then he found out from Yoongi that it was with the help of other inmates, who spent their entire day stuck inside the cafeteria, cleaning.

Jimin should've felt bad for it, but he didn't, because he knew that what he did was for a good reason. He reached Mark and got him to give the note to his secret weapon. Jimin didn't know if he'd show up since he hated Jimin's guts, but the string of sentence he wrote on the small note was enough for Jimin to pique the man's interest. And now all Jimin had to do was wait and hope that his secret weapon would get inside the prison without anyone seeing him.

Jimin has always been bad at sitting and doing nothing. The ticking seconds felt like they were burning into his skin and pounding against his eardrums. He tried to find something fun to do by heading to talk to Taehyung, only for the male to be missing from his cell, and then going to taunt some guards at the doors, only for them to ignore Jimin and remain blank faced.

In the end, Jimin had no choice but to drag himself across the prison until he reached cell D-2. His small hand reached out and fingers ripped open the sheet shielding the inside of the room. Jimin shuffled into Yoongi's cell and couldn't help but walk over to his desk. He saw a few messy notes and documents scattered across the desk, with the fire from a candle falling right onto the words written there.

Jimin's fingers brushed along the documents and pushed them apart. His eyes scanned over the words written there and briefly caught the sight of a familiar Range Rover. Jin. Jimin's eyes grew large in size and fingers immediately lifted the paper up to his face. The once perfect Range Rover now laid on its roof with a missing wheel and shattered windows. Stains of blood coated the pavement around the car and a large dent was visible in the side of the vehicle.

"My men found his car on the outskirts of Seoul."

The paper slipped out of Jimin's fingers and whirled through the air as it fell to the ground. His head swung up and wide eyes connected with Yoongi's. The older man shuffled over the entrance of the cell and allowed the white sheet to brush shut behind him. He raised his arms above his head and stretched- showcasing the curly hair trailing up from his pants and to his belly button.

Jimin gulped at the sight and turned away. Despite the hate blooming inside his chest, Jimin couldn't deny that he was sexually attracted to Yoongi and he enjoyed his dick. Even though he felt himself almost curl away from the brush of Yoongi's hands against his hips and his broad chest pushing against his back, Jimin still began to think about Yoongi's lips leaving marks of purple along his neck and his large hands sliding into his jogger to wrap around his dick.

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