Caught in a lie

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  "Are you alright? You've been eerily silent since that phone call

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"Are you alright? You've been eerily silent since that phone call. You didn't even look at me when we were eating." Yoongi's warm breath tickled Jimin's cheek and body heat protected him from the cold breeze ruffling through his locks. Yoongi's arms stayed wrapped around Jimin's waist and chin rested on his shoulder, while Jimin continued to lay against his chest with his fingers caressing the surface of Yoongi's hand.

Jimin didn't react to his words- remaining motionless and blank faced throughout the whole time Yoongi spoke. He tilted his head back and blinked up at the stars hanging in the pitch black sky. They shimmered and twinkled next to each other, each one shining brighter than the other. The moon hid among the sea of stars, looking like someone had leaned in and chomped a bite out of its side.

"Jimin?" Yoongi asked again, standing up straighter and looking down at him with confusion. Yet as Jimin turned his head to look into Yoongi's whiskey eyes, he finally noticed the hint of suspicion and coldness looming behind the look of concern.

Jimin bit at his lip and dragged his eyes along Yoongi's face. A few seconds ticked by until a hint of smile touched Jimin's lips as he parted them to speak, "I'm..fine." Jimin croaked out, immediately wincing afterwards at the small jab of pain in his throat from speaking. He raised his hand and touched the white bandages wrapped around his neck, before turning away and looking back up at the starry sky.

After the phone call, Yoongi seemed concerned about what had caused Jimin to react like that. But when he tried to question Jimin, one look from the small kitten, and Yoongi smacked his lips shut and backed away. There were thick vines of tension between them as the two proceeded to eat their dinner in silence, before Yoongi guided Jimin up to the roof of the prison to watch the stars and enjoy the silence.

Jimin would've considered everything, that Yoongi had done for him, flattering and unique, since all the dates he has went on were fancy and filled with luxury, only to end up in the bed of his date and then never speak to them again. This was the first time his date has cooked for him and then simply stargazed with him, it was the first time his date didn't eye-fuck him across the table, and merely asked about his interests.

Jimin would've loved this evening, hell, a part of him still does. But that little phone call with Jin was enough to rip Jimin out of his land of fairytales and push him into reality. Jimin wasn't on some vacation island or in a five star hotel, he was in a prison with murderers and rapists surrounding him, and he had to escape in three days. And Yoongi wasn't some perfect, dream guy that was sent specifically for Jimin to love. No. Yoongi was a dangerous Gang leader, that Jimin knew almost nothing about. So to say that the little phone call arose so many questions and suspicions in Jimin, was an understatement.

Yoongi pressed his lips into a thin line and sent Jimin a stern glare, which Jimin promptly ignored with a roll of his eyes, "You shouldn't speak yet, you could hurt your vocal cords." Yoongi scolded softly, tightening his grip on Jimin's waist and pulling him firmer against his chest.

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