"Yeah, I have some good friends." I said to him with a smile.

"I've met some good people." Rory agreed with a nod.

"What about you and Mr McCrae?" Richard asked me with a cheeky grin and nearly choked on the drink I was sipping. Mom patted my back as I coughed and spluttered.

"Colin and I are just friends." I lied through my teeth and ignored the glance that Mom and Rory shared. Richard looked at me septically but let it go when I pressed my lips together in a thin line.

"And what about Mr Huntzberger?" Richard asked Rory with a same smile he gave me.

"Who is Mr Huntzberger? Mom asked her questioningly.

"Um, Logan Huntzberger is a boy I go to school with." Rory explained and I smiled coyly when I saw a blush spread across her cheeks.

"A fine boy from a fine family." Richard added with an approving smile.

"You know him?" Mom asked her father incredulously.

"His parents are very good friends of ours. Oh, you know Mitchum Huntzberger, Lorelai."


"He's been coming to our Christmas parties for years."


"His mother's on the paediatric hospital committee with your mother."

"Oh! No."

"Well, Logan is their son and I noticed that you two seemed to be hitting it off the other night."

"The other night?" Mom asked all of us.

"He's very nice, Grandpa." Rory said softly.

"Now I don't want to be too forward, but you made a handsome couple." Richard said and I smirked at her.

"Uh, was Logan at the male-Yale party that you guys threw?" Mom asked her father with a frown.

"He was the one that gave me a ride home, Mom." Rory explained and I smiled at the memory.

"That was a fun ride." I said with a happy sigh.

"Oh! Limo boy. Swell." Mom said sarcastically and I frowned at her.

"He's also on the paper with me and Christa." Rory explained to our mother.

"You know, his father owns some of the finest newspapers in the country." Richard boasted with a proud smile.

"I know." Rory and I said in unison.

"Not a bad connection, huh? Nope, not a bad connection at all." Richard said slyly and I smiled at that.

"Yeah, I love Mitchum." I agreed with him and Mom turned her gaze onto me.

"You know them too?" she asked me, confused. I turned my attention to her and I smiled brightly.

"Yeah, of course. You know my friend Logan? The one I tell you about?" I asked her and she nodded at me as understanding shined in her eyes.

"The one I've heard of about but never meet him." she acknowledged with a slight smirk, remembering the stories that I had told her about me, Logan and Colin.

"That's Logan Huntzberger." I told her with a smirk of my own.

"Oh." Was all she said in reply. Later that night, we were walking in the cold towards the main house for dinner with Emily when Mom pulled Rory and me to a stop just outside the door.

"Hey. So tell me about this Logan." Mom ordered Rory and my twin just stared at her uncomprehending what she was saying.

"Its three degrees out here!" I complained as I hugged my jacket tighter.

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