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"I took care of him," Stefan's words echoed through Felix's head as the psychic sat in their family garden, his phone somewhere deep in the house filled with texts from his friends asking if he was feeling better, if he was coming to the car wash, and if he was still having nightmares. The last one was from Tyler, but Felix couldn't bring himself to answer. They hadn't.

He hadn't been able to get out of bed for the first day, the second day he made it to the kitchen, the third he made it to the living room, and the fourth brought him outside. There was something twisting his stomach into knots and every sound left him on edge, he could barely close his eyes without seeing Damon slowly rotting in that dungeon. Stefan may have taken care of Damon's ability to hurt people, but for some reason, his ancestors were keen on the vampire being able to ruin Felix's life. He had tried painting on the third day, trying to do anything to occupy his hands and mind, his nerves all standing ready for a threat that was locked away, when he wasn't trying desperately to take his mind off things he found himself just feeling a vast emptiness start to trickle into his soul. What could he do, he was one kid who had just been thrown into a world he knew almost nothing about, what could he do?

It was nice out, the sun was shining, the birds chirping, and the sky was clear of clouds. It was nice and Felix was beginning to think that maybe he would be okay. "Felix!" Bonnie, who knew where the spare key was hidden, stood standing at the back door, looking as if she had seen a ghost, "Are you okay?" she asked after a moment, he doubted he looked okay, but forced a smile at her nonetheless, leaning back on his hands to gaze up at where she stood a few paces away.

"Just peachy, Bon. Are you okay?" He asked, surprising even himself with how casual he sounded, he always knew he should have been an actor.

"I-" she cut herself off, looking unsure of herself, "Do you remember when we were younger and you used to have those dreams? The Deja Vu ones? Like how you knew I was going to break my arm if I climbed that tree? I didn't listen and then I fell, you said you had had a nightmare about it," she was speaking quickly, her hands wringing together as she looked everywhere, but at the teen looking up at her.

"What happened?" Felix asked, and when Bonnie looked at him, he knew and she knew he knew. It was the kind of silent conversation that occurs after knowing someone for so long, the kind of conversation that happens when you know everything about the other person simply because you knew them when you were both in diapers.

"It was all real, wasn't it? Can you-" she paused again, finally looking up towards him, "I lit some candles... with my mind. Can you do that too?"

"No," Felix had never seen Bonnie deflate so quickly, so he rushed to finish, "no, I mean, I'm a psychic no magic for me, at least not that kind of magic. You're a witch, Bonnie," he said, laughing slightly at his small pop culture reference, it might have been poor timing with how ill Bonnie was beginning to look.

"I don't understand what's happening to me, Felix," she said taking a few slightly wobbly steps towards him, "I almost blew up a car," she says a small laugh falling from her lips, which was quickly followed by Felix's muttering a small "oh shit."

"Bon," Felix started, standing up to walk towards her, "You need to talk to your grandma, okay?" he grabbed her hand, squeezing it briefly to try and reassure her, "I don't know if I can help you, but I know she can," he said, willing the door to open.

"Can I show you something?" Bonnie asked, smiling at Elena before she pulled out a feather and it started to float between her hands. Then suddenly the whole room was filled with floating feathers.

"You're going to be okay," he said again and Bonnie was staring at him with slightly wide eyes.

"How did you do that?" she breathed, her eyes blinking rapidly as if trying to expel the vision that had briefly stolen her vision.

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