But the same didn't apply for his older brother.

Minho found himself sitting on his sofa and staring outside into the dark night for more than 3 hours now.
He couldn't describe how he felt but it was definitely nothing positive. Question after question crossed his mind when he thought of what happend earlier.
Jisung had been acting kind of weird since he arrived there so Minho thought it was his normal behaviour but the events of today confused him even more.

The way the younger had held onto his arm was so tensed, it actually almost hurted Minho and then... he only wanted to make Jisung turn his head without any force but the boy slapped Minho's hand away.
His expression when he did than was very clearly in the older's head. Jisung eyes had been big and watery but his body language was radiating panic... fear.

'Was he afraid of... me?' Minho wondered.
'But for what reason? I only teased him a little bit.' the brunette quickly let go of the thought.
Han Jisung had become a rather interesting mystery to Minho that he wanted to solve as long as it kept him entertained.
For that reason he wouldn't fire the boy yet.

Satisfied with his conclusion a smile formed on Minho's face.
There'd be enough time to crack open Jisung's secrets so instead the older put these thoughts aside and walked over to his precious collection of "art".
At least he kept telling himself that he put the thoughts aside...

Since that bitchy girl 3 day's ago Minho couldn't relieve his stress and started feeling sexually frustrated. That girl had been really boring and Minho wanted something interesting in his life. Whether it was solving a mystery or good sex, he just wanted something different.

Luckily, there was his halloween party in a few days. No doubt he'd find someone that came up to his expectations in bed there.

But just when Minho was about to grab one of the DVD's he noticed something odd in the corner of his view.
Due to his glass front he could clearly see the road from the entrance gate to the main entrance. Laterns were always lighting it up so the person walking or more like trying to walk, didn't go unnoticed by Minho.

'It is 3 am in the morning... there is no way-' he thought walking closer to his windows.

"For god's sake, what is wrong with this kid?!" his eyes widened when he recognized the clothing and face of the younger.
The rain from before had stopped an hour ago but Jisung's clothes were totally soaked.

"Idiot, who would run around in the darkness during rain. He could've just called a cab." Minho crossed his arm's and was about to turn around and mind his own business when suddenly... Jisung collapsed right infront of the entrance door.

"Shit!" Being overthrown by sudden panic Minho almost stumbled over his own feet when he jumped down the stairs and ran through the hallways.
He didn't have an idea why he was suddenly alerted like this. It was just instinct.

And maybe... maybe he felt a little bit responsible for Jisung running away although the older didn't know the cause for it.
Breathing heavily he yanked open the front door and stared down at the unconscious boy.

"Wh- what should I do?!" Minho felt stupid and helpless as he just grabbed Jisung under his arms and shoved him inside the house.
The boy's pale skin felt cold like ice and his lips had taken a blue color that let Minho panic even more.
At that moment there was a voice comming from behind him.

"Uhm, excuse me, is there anything wrong?"
Minho turned around recognizing their Chef Dahyun, who was apparently related to Jisung.
Not knowing what to do Minho stepped to the side and stuttered.

"I- Jisung-... I don't know what happend. He just returned and collapsed. He is totally cold and I- "
The boy felt like a small child and he hated it.

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