Chapter Three:

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Once more, I aplogize for the endless waiting. I am currently working two jobs and well, it's the Holidays. Work has been crazy. But, as promised, here is Chapter Three. Chapter Four is written, just waiting to be typed and posted. Once again, thank you everyone who has waited, voted and commented. I love it! You guys keep me going! Enjoy!

-Lost In Silence

“What do you mean, you can't find Sin?” Jayden's eyes went wide as his temper flared. He'd gone looking for her earlier in the evening, but when he hadn't been able to find her, he had assumed that she was busy. Now, an hour after close and no one had seen her since Jude had talked to her.

“I saw her walk out of one of the booths, followed by him,” She pointed to Jude who stood beside him, “She vanished into the dressing rooms, haven't seen her since,”

“Anyone think to call her apartment?”

“Called and it said the number had been disconnected,”

“Her cell?”

“They shut it off last week,” Jade watched Jayden with worried eyes, “Should someone check her apartment?”

Jayden turned to Jude and have a slight nod, “Why don't you head over there?”

“Do you really think that is a wise idea after earlier?”

“At this exact moment, I don't care. One of my ladies is missing and I want her found,”

She shot a glance over her shoulder before turning into an alley way, tucking herself against a wall. She'd made it across town, a few blocks from her apartment but had had to change direction when she realized she had been followed. If someone was after her, the last thing she needed was for them to find her apartment.

Tugging her hoodie tighter around herself, Sin let out a breath she hadn't realized she had been holding. Things just kept getting crazier and crazier. She'd been so overwhelmed at the club that she had changed and ran. She hadn't fully thought out her actions, she had been to caught up in her head. But now, as she stood in a dirty alley in the middle of winter, she was wishing she'd put more thought into her brilliant plan.

Dropping her head against the wall with a groan, Sin tried to sort out the mess in her mind. The club was closed, so chances were good everyone was gone except for Jayden. Maybe he would have some advice. Not to mention she needed a place to stay. Sure, she owned a gun and knew hot to shoot it, but it would do her no good if someone attacked. She was stronger than she looked but she was slightly underweight and malnourished.

Unfortunately, her options were to trek back to the club and hope Jayden was still there or make her way to her place a few blocks over and pray that no one followed her. She did her best to keep up with her house and phone bills, but last month had killed her. Leaving her without either phone.

Deciding that the apartment was her best bet, Sin pulled herself away from the wall and glanced up and down the alley. When she saw no one, she shuffled out and started down the street.

Jude faced the door as he heard the door knob jiggle, hopefully it was Sin. Taking a deep breath, he reached out and carefully pulled the door open, giving her a small smile, “You had us worried,”

He watched with slight amusement as her eyes went wide and she scowled, “How did you get into my apartment?”

Stepping aside as she pushed past him, Jude closed the door and pressed his back to the splintered wood, “Jayden asked that I come check on you, he gave me the spare key,”

“That conniving fuck wad,”

“He is genuinely concerned for your safety and well being. A young woman such as yourself should be looked after to a degree,” He paused then added softly, “You're not exactly on the safe side of town,”

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