Chapter Four:

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Yes guys, it is finally here. Chapter Four. I high alert. Everything was normal, aside form the extremely attractive man currently sprawled across the couch she had previously fallen off of.

"Certainly explains why I fell," She muttered as she crossed her arms and stared.

The initial shock had faded as her brain came back online, the night before a brush of reality. The man currently occupying her couch was going to help her.

When his eyes opened and met hers, Sadie felt her entire chest, neck and face go red. She'd just gotten caught staring.

"Morning sleeping beauty," She teased softly, hoping he wouldn't notice her blush.


Oh Gods, that voice. Sadie felt her face go red again and wanted to smack herself. She'd been around plenty of attractive men, had sex with most of them and there she stood blushing like a school girl.

As Jude shifted around on the couch, Sadie found herself utterly transfixed. She'd never been attracted to men or women, so to be standing there wondering just what the man looked like naked was like a head on collision with a freight train.

Shaking her head, mumbling to herself, Sadie quickly spun around and darted into the kitchen where she set about making coffee.

"Sadie, is everything alright?

Jude's voice caught her off guard, causing her to jump which dropped the coffee pot onto the faded, tile floor. Glass shards went flying.

"Fuck," She hissed as glass bit into her palm, blood welling to the surface only to drip down her arm and collect by the glass.

"I didn't mean to -" The apology died in his throat s his senses were assaulted by the spine tingling scent of Sadie's blood.

He watched, angry with himself as she froze like a deer in head lights. He'd fed the night before to keep this from happening, but the second the scent struck him, his control reached its breaking point.

Wide eyed, Sadie whispered, "Jude?" His name cam out a question as she glanced from the broken glass back to Jude.

He found himself completely paralyzed.

It wasn't until two days ago, when he saw Sadie, that he found his hunger to be uncontrollable. It had been a very long time since the hunger had controlled him.

Finally wrestling some of his control back into place, he met her worried, bright eyes, "Sadie, you're bleeding," He did not want her afraid of him, because Jayden had been correct, she was already timid enough.

He frowned when Sadie blinked and looked down, staring at her hand as if it had just suddenly appeared.

"Fuck," She muttered, turning her attention from her hand to the sink. Quickly, she spun around and hit the faucet, letting the water run. But seconds before her hand hit water, two strong arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her tight to a solid chest.

Fear gripped her as she closed her eyes and fought the need to struggle.

"Jude," His name was a gasp as she felt his breath against her neck. She had been fed from more times than she cared to remember. It had always been forceful, unpleasant, painful in every way. Over the years, she had found that if the price was right, the discomfort wasn't terrible. Though she tried to avoid supernatural customers.

Racking her brain for a solution, Sadie eased into his embrace, allowing her back to rest against his chest. She was likely going to need the support.

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